The Vanguard - Part 2

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They crept through the main hallway, checking every corner but finding nothing.

"Hey, Angela." Natasha whispered, "Shouldn't there be be people here? No guards or UNSC staff... this is creepy."

"Yeah, something's not right. Where are those reinforcements?" Angela paused to check the blueprints on her wrist comm, "Ok, head that way to the server room. I'll check the command centre. Watch your back."

Natasha nodded and moved down the indicated hallway. Angela raised her pistol and headed toward the command centre. She reached the entrance to find the door wide open.

'They must have abandoned the place already.' She thought, 'It would take at least ten minutes to transfer the data to a portable drive and more to wipe all traces, so maybe they just left it.' Still, something didn't feel right and she kept her weapon raised. As she moved into the main command centre, Angela spotted what she was looking for. A terminal with the words 'Top Secret' written in bold red letters over the top. 'Subtle...' Thought Angela, grinning as she put her hand up to her headset.

"Nat, I got it. Come on down to the command centre."

The reply was mostly static but she could just make out the words 'roger that'. Angela pulled a portable drive off her belt and hooked it up to the main terminal. The timer began counting down from ten minutes. Satisfied, she turned around to check for anything useful but found herself face to face with the barrel of a rifle.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't move. Oh and put the weapon down, thank you." The man on the other end of the gun said, in what sounded like a British accent. He wore white armor and had a sniper rifle on his back.

"Who the hell are you?" Angela growled, placing her pistol on the floor.

"Who I am is none of your concern ma'am, and I'd also appreciate it if you didn't talk."

"You're out of luck there. What do you want?" As Angela spoke, Natasha entered the room, followed by a figure in blue armor who had a pistol pressed to her back.

"Ah the party's all here, excellent." The first man said.

The second man pushed Natasha to the ground. She spat at his feet in response.

"Now, now that's not polite. My friend here would prefer it if everyone's polite, else he gets an itchy trigger finger, understand?" The man in the white armor almost seemed to be enjoying himself. He turned to Angela and said, "Now if you'd please hand over the data file, nobody has to get hurt."

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