The Vanguard - Part 5

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Two hours earlier...

The rocks crumbled beneath Corsair's feet as he climbed the mountainside. Corsair was a lithe figure, with a tall face marked by many scars and his dark hair tied back in a knot. Securing a good footing was getting difficult but the ledge he was aiming for was in sight. He braced himself and threw his grappel up and over, feeling it snag on something solid. Corsair gave the rope a tug, checking to see if it would support his weight and then pulled himself up onto the ledge. The view was incredible, the base sprawled out below and the blazing sunlight glimmering on the minerals embedded in the mountainside. But Corsair spent no time taking in the beauty of the area, quickly putting away his grappel and setting up his sniper rifle in the best spot to oversee all activity in the base. Once satisfied, he raised a hand to his headset.

"Boss, I'm in position."

The boss took a moment to respond, "Team A is ready. The convoy is coming through the tunnel now, you should have eyes on their vehicle any moment."

"Copy that." Corsair scoped in to the tunnel at the base of the opposite hillside. He saw a Warthog exit, followed by another two cars and a Scorpion tank. "Here they come, boss."

"Excellent, wait for the smoke cover and then give them a hand."

Corsair set his sights on the base. There were only a handful of guards in the complex, most were obviously not paying attention to their surroundings. You couldn't blame them after all, they must have been stuck here in this heat for months. Corsair wondered which of them had families. Who would be missed when this job was over? He shook his head.

'What are you thinking, Corsair?' he thought, 'It must be this damned heat. Just focus on the job. Focus.'

He took a deep breath then turned to the front gate just in time to see it get blown off it's railings. He recoiled in surprise and flung his hand up to his headset again.

"God damn it, Natasha! Give me some warning next time!"

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