The Vanguard - Part 3

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Angela glanced at the timer. "In seven minutes." She said.

"What was that?"

"It's still copying. You'll have to wait another seven minutes."

"Ah I see... I suppose we can wait. Just don't try anything funny." The man gestured with his pistol as to make the point.

The room fell quiet. Angela leaned against the terminal and waited until the man in white wasn't looking, then exchanged looks with Natasha. Natasha raised an eyebrow as if to say 'what's the plan?' Angela shrugged. The only thing to do now was wait it out.

Noticing the silence, the man in white cleared his throat. "Well, this is awkward."

"Yeee-ep." Angela said, rolling her eyes. The silence continued.

The man seemed to be getting anxious. "How much longer?" He asked.

"Six minutes, thirty seconds"

"Are you serious!? Surely that was already seven minutes?"

Angela smirked. "Calm down, I'm just messing with you." She pulled the drive and offered it to the man, who yanked it out of her hand.

"Yes, very funny. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Pelican to catch." He nodded to the man in blue, who kicked Natasha to the ground again and fired a shot at the terminal, which sparked and then shut down. With their guns still raised, the pair slowly backed out of the room. The man in white gave a small wave as he left, "Cheerio!"

And then they were gone. Angela ran over to Natasha. "Are you alright?" She asked, extending her hand.

Natasha took it and stood up. She nodded. "If we hurry, we can catch them."

Angela could see the fire in her eyes, but decided to let her have this one. She picked her gun back up. "Then let's go!"

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