Chapter 2 The Wish

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                                                                            Chapter 2 The Wish

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                                                                            Chapter 2 The Wish

Aqua is just like every other club out there. It's big, loud, and filled to the brim with people Mara never particularly likes. The music is always quite deafening so she is constantly yawning to make sure her hearing doesn't leave her. People are always bombarding her or hitting on her as she serves drinks. Not to mention the touchy feely men who take it upon themselves to smack her bottom or molest her with their wandering eyes.

Aqua has its reputation for harboring a lot of out of town salesmen who are looking for a great time. Made-up, bright-eyed, scantily clad twenty one year old women attend the club because it's free cover and the drinks are well especially for the price. Mara watches as women get felt up and hit on taking the bait like a fish out of water. As her drinks get refilled for a table of five she watches a woman, beautiful and tall, talking to a man twice her age. His hand is diving up her thigh as he leans into her. She's smiling, savoring the drink leaving a stain of red lipstick on her glass. The man kisses the side of her neck and the girl seems to relish in this newfound intimacy.

Maybe she is old fashioned, but Mara never wants to meet someone in a club. All the men seem the same to her. They merely wanted to fill you to the brim with drinks, cloud your judgement, so that you'd go home and sleep with them. Sure she craves passion, excitement, intimacy but what about the conversations? What about being immersed in the mere utterance of someone's voice? People seemed selfish, only wanting to fuel their carnage hunger and endless libido. No one really took the time to get to know each other anymore.

"Mara, I told you I owed you one."

Her thoughts are cut off when she turns around to see her boss Jonas. He's a rather tall man with a nest of messy black hair and eyebrows that remind her of a caterpillar. His smile is infectious matching his bright brown eyes as he hands her a cupcake with a candle inside of it.

"Oh Jonas, you spoil me." She teases.

"You enjoy your cupcake. I'll bring the drinks to the table, besides I may need another favor for you." He can see her eyebrows raise in skepticism so he lifts his hands out and puts them on her shoulder. "Listen, it's an easier job you won't have to be out on the floor and you can potentially make great tips."

"If I agree will you let me go home right after that table leaves?"


"I mean it is only my birthday."

Mara pouts her red lips and gives Jonas a look that he likes to call a baby doe, she already has quite elliptical brown eyes that seem to complement her oval face.

"You're killing me kiddo, but okay only because you did me a favor tonight." He says walking towards the table with the drinks. Mara smirks as she looks down at her cupcake and lighted candle. She thinks of a wish, a small secret that she holds within her heart, and without another thought she blows out her candle.

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