°•°•°Part 5: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire•°•°•

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Lucis curled up onto his bed as words cut through him. He didn't want to remember. Not again.

He shook his head before looking up. He hasn't slept a single week, and it was becoming obvious on his pale face.

He stood up and peeked through the curtains and out the window, shocked to see it was quite bright out.

He sighed before walking to the bathroom. He stared into the mirror and touched his face with his ice-cold fingers, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

He took one final glance and left the bathroom.

"Hey!" Colton greeted, his regular chesire grin as creepy as usual.

Lucis stared up at him, a but confused about his sudden visit. "Can I come in?"

Lucis paused before moving aside and allowing Colton entry to his room. "Thanks. So, I wanted to talk to you about something. I know you just got here, so I was wondering, why did you come here? The guys tells me they saw a tattoo, even."

The question was random, and caught Lucis by surprise. His eyes shifted before he backed away. "I-I........."

Colton didn't catch on. He merely stared at Lucis, his smile remaining as creepy as always.

"No...." Lucis whispered, refusing to tell Colton. Colton tilted his head to the side. "Why? Why don't you tell me?"

Lucis turned his head and pointed at the door. "P-please leave."

Colton raised his brows. "Seriously? Come on, I won't tell anyone else."

Lucis shook his head, hoping Colton would just shut up and listen.

Colton sighed before walking off, glancing only to smirk at Lucis's shaken state.

"I'll find out, don't worry."


"Come on Jack! Come with us!" Derek pushed, his eyebrows furrowed together. Jack sighed before shaking his head.

"I'm not going. Especially since Colton's gonna be there. And you saw what happened."

Derek rolled his eyes, thinking back to the earlier conversation. "Oh please. Did you hear what he said to me? And you think you've got it bad?"

Jack looked up at him, his eyes full of annoyance. "You know... he wasn't wrong......"

Derek glared at him, the insult stinging more than when Colton had said it to him. "Oh shut up."

The two kept bickering until Jack's breath hitched. Derek seemed confused at the silent Jack before turning.

He rolled his eyes once more before looking away from Lucis. "Seriously?"

But Jack was already gone, and was now standing near Lucis, clearly worried about the boy.

Derek reluctantly joined Jack, seeing as there was no one else to talk to at the moment.

"What're you doing here?" Jack asked, one hand on his shoulder.

Lucis looked up at him, confused. "I'm just looking for someone....." He whispered, still nervous to talk around people.

"Who? I'll help you find them."

"T-the nurse..."

Jack seemed shocked, but nodded. "Alright.... if she's not in the infirmary, then she's probably taking a break right now. But is there a problem? Are you hurt?"

Lucis paused, trying to process the information. "I just need to talk to her."

Derek sighed at the two. "I'll find her, you can just sit there."

Jack turned to Derek and nodded. "Yeah, thanks."

Derek nodded, though he felt left out and needed something to do.

"It's f-fine. I'll find her myself."

Jack shook his head. "You seem a bit sickly, so just sit down for now."

Lucis seemed reluctant, but sat down, whispered a quick thank you to Derek, who only nodded in reply.

Jack flopped down next to Lucis, hoping to squeeze out some more information.

"Look, you probably don't want to talk right now, but let me help you. Why exactly do you need the nurse?"

Lucis stared at the floor. "I-I don't want to say. Please don't make me say it."

Jack turned his head to look at Lucis. "Alright. Just... tell me when you can. I want to help you. I really do."


This question caught Jack off guard, and he really stopped to think about it.

"I don't know. I shouldn't care about you, but I do. A lot. I just don't want to see you hurt."

Lucis looked up, and Jack shared his expression, just as shocked as Lucis was. Why did he say that?

Jack quickly looked away. "Sorry." He mumbled, but Lucis shook his head. "No.... thank you."

Jack lifted his head, but regretted it when he was Lucis crying.

"Thank you...." he whispered.

Jack couldn't help himself, and his arms wrapped around Lucis, who only continued to cry.

Derek watched everything, his own heart aching for the boy who had lost it. It was obvious that he wasn't normal.

The scars, the tattoos, and his quiet personality must mean something. But watching him break down made Derek feel sort of.....


He felt a hand touch his shoulder and looked back, shocked to see Colton, smiling at him.

"Well, well, well. Now isn't this just lovely."

Derek gulped before stepping back, wondering if he was just imagining the look of subtle rage.

His jaw dropped as Colton stepped back, and looked away.

A quick thought passed through Derek's head as he suddenly realized what was going on.

"Colton..... you like Lucis.... don't you?"

Derek had no idea what made him say those absolutely absurd words, but couldn't help the rush of emotions as Colton gave Derek a look of surprise.


Derek looked back at the two and smiled at Colton. "You like Lucis."

In all his years of being friends with Colton, he had never seen quite a face. Even in the most serious of situations, he was either smiling for smirking.

Colton's face suddenly changed as the same annoying smile returned. "No. Why would I like that loser? And I'm no homo. Wow, you're stupid."

He turned his back and left, leaving Derek strangely excited.

"You are one terrible liar, Colton."


Jack grabbed his things, ready to take a shower before going to bed, but was interrupted by none other than Colton.

"Listen, Jack, we need to talk."

Jack rolled his eyes. "About?"

Colton smiled, a seemingly innocent one that was actually quite malicious.



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