•°•°•Part 1: The New Boy°•°•°•

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        Everyone watched with big eyes as Jack and his friend group entered the dining area. Jack was what some would call a bully. Though he never harmed the other children, he could demolish anyone's social stance with a simple frown.

His best friend, Derek, was some-what of a kiss-ass. Though he was more aggressive towards the other boys, and would hit on some of the housemaids, who constantly turned him down.

Usually, the dining area would be packed with all sorts of rowdy boys, eager for food, but today, it was more silent, and half the kids were missing.

Jack turned his head and searched the room. When he found a familiar face, he neared the boy.

"Hey, Jasper, where are the rest of the boys?"

Jasper glanced up at Jack, his green eyes filled with laughter before he stood up.

"Oh, I saw them on the stairs. They're watching something in the lobby."

This confused Jack. What was so important? His curiosity was piqued, so he turned to Derek with a big grin.

Derek sighed and nodded, gesturing for Jack to lead the way. The two walked towards the lobby, and sure enough, many kids crowded the stairway, peering down.

Jack pushed some boys out of the way before glancing down. "What are you lunatics looking at?" Jack asked, glancing at a boy named David.

David pointed over to a sofa. "There's a new kid."

Jack laughed. "So? What's the big deal? He's just another boy."

David shook his head. "He's not normal. His face looks like a doll's! A really creepy one!"

Jack laughed once more. "So? I still see no point in gawking over a normal boy."

Jack glanced back at the boy. His skin was unimaginably pale. It was like a light in the dim room, and his hair the absolute opposite, jet-black.

"He does look like a doll...." Derek commented, earning a scoff from Jack. "Come on, let's just go eat."

Derek nodded as he followed Jack, who was unaware that the boy was staring right at him through his long bangs.


"Boys? Could you give me your attention for a minute?"

All the boys lifted their heads and set their gazes on the same boy from before.

"We have a new friend, today!" The caretaker pushed enthusiastically, forcing everyone in the room to roll their eyes or internally groan.

"This is Lucis. Everyone make him feel welcome, okay?"

Everyone nodded as the caretaker turned his back, leaving the kids with the emotionless boy.

Jack saw this as an opportunity. He, who had the power to either make or break this boy's reputation, was quite interested in this doll-like boy, contradicting his earlier words.

So Jack neared the boy, who silently stared at Jack. "Lucis, huh? Where do you come from?"

Lucis didn't say a word. He was weirdly quiet, and his large, dark eyes just peered at Jack, who was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey. Answer me." Jack demanded, irritated.

Lucis still remained silent before turning and walking away from an angry Jack.

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