Chapter 2

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

I immediately jolt awake at the sound of my alarm. I quickly walk downstairs and open the fridge just to find a sticky note on my eggos.

'Sweetheart I'm sorry but your father and I had a last minute business trip and had to leave right away. Also yes I put it on your waffles, but I did that so you would see it.

Xoxo, Mom'

I frown slightly realizing I had to be home alone, again. I hated when my parents went on business trips it made me feel lonely. I used to not feel lonely when my siblings weren't in college, but now they are gone. I decided to not waste time, so I quickly make my waffles and eat.

As I start to get dressed I notice some black ink on my ankles, so being a curious person I quickly take off my socks and take a look.

"What the hell!" I screech as I realize what's on my ankles.

"Where did these come from?!"

How did I get these new tattoos! I quickly realize I'm not going to be able to get rid of the mysterious tattoos, so I change my outfit plan and wear some clothing with more coverage to hide the tattoos.

How did I get these new tattoos! I quickly realize I'm not going to be able to get rid of the mysterious tattoos, so I change my outfit plan and wear some clothing with more coverage to hide the tattoos

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(This is your outfit)

Once I'm dressed I grab my stuff and drive to school.

Time skip...

I start to walk to the library and I hear some girls having a conversation and being slightly nosy, I eavesdrop.

"So Mina who is do you want to be asked by for the Winter Solstice Ball?"

"I actually want D.O. Oppa to ask me."

I scoff quietly, I don't think Kyungsoo has a crush on anybody and if he does I don't think she would be his type.

"Mina, I don't think that will happen, you know he doesn't like most of the girls at this school."

"I know he doesn't Sana, but I can dream," I hear the girl sigh heavily as if imagining herself with Kyungsoo and the thought of it makes me gag.

"Also Mina, I'm pretty sure most of the school ships him with Y/n."

What! I've never heard that before! Why wasn't I aware of this!?

"Oh yeah I remember! They call them the cold couple."

I frown slightly, why does everyone think I'm mean? I'm just shy, I don't hate people. Okay I hate most people, but they deserve it. Also Kyungsoo isn't mean at all he's very nice from what I've seen of him. I think back to what they were talking about and blush slightly to myself as I begin to imagine what it would be like if Kyungsoo and I were dating. I slap my cheeks lightly trying to calm myself down and to help my face turn back to its natural color.

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