𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 9

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It was finally Friday. Rin woke up with her brother waking her up sweetly. She changed to her clothes and her brother drove her there.

"are you going with EunDae to the hospital?" Jimin asked.

"oh, no, this time no, she told me she would go alone this time" she explained.

"oh, maybe she wants time alone with him" Jimin guessed.

"hm, maybe" she responded.

They arrived to Rin's school shortly after. She walked toward her classroom and sat next to Jisung. a few minutes later, class started.

The school day went slowly. Rin was exited to go out with the boys.

"Ready to go?" asked Jisung. Rin nodded and both left the classroom to find the rest.

"EunDae, are you sure you want to go alone?" Rin asked.

"Yes, I want to go alone, besides, you'll go with the boys, you can come by tomorrow" EunDae said.

"okay, then see you tomorrow" Rin said smiling.

They parted ways and Rin went with the boys to Jeno's house.

"Chenle told me he will be arriving a bit later" said Jisung showing his phone.

They goofed for a while and then decided to order some take out.

"Chenle is in his way" announces Jisung.

Rin's heart started pounding. She still didn't understand the feeling she gets when they mentioned his name, it was a new feeling to her, and she didn't understand it.

They played monopoly because they're an intellectual group while they waited for Chenle.

"I can't believe you've done this" said Haechan.

"haha sorry" said YunJae smiling teasingly.

"With all the money you have, you could be a princess by now" said Jaemin looking at her money.

"what the fuck i'm a queen" she sassed.

"am I the only one who had never saw this side of her?" asked Renjun.

they were about to continue but the doorbell sounded.

"Ring Ding Dong bitch!" a shout sounded from outside.

"that's Chenle" said Jisung getting up

Rin froze. She was nervous and exited at the same time. Jisung and Jeno got up to open the door. She and the rest stayed in the living room and waited.

"You'll like her" Jisung's voice sounded.

Rin started to notice how the color in her vision started to fade. Her eyes went wide and everything felt in slow motion.

Chenle also notices the color in his vision fading. Everything started to click in his mind. When Jisung mentioned her name, how he felt when Jisung told her she would be there, everything made sense now.

Rin stood up. Looking at the boy in the boy walking towards her. She also started to walk toward him.

"It's you..." he whispered when she was finally in front of him.

She smiled at him. "It took long for us to meet, huh? she said with irony in her voice.

Both their surroundings became colorful again. Both looked at the sky and then at each other again.

"Blue is such a beautiful color" she said looking straight at Chenle's eyes.

"It is" he agreed smiling.

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