Chapter One

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Two babies were born from different mothers far from each other, yet both are favored by the rukh. One born in a town of Parthevia named Tison, the baby was named Sinbad. The other born in an unknown country far north where it always snows and there is never wars. The country's name is Nemea. The babies name is (y/n). One a commoner, the other a princess. Both with big futures and great powers. One day their paths will cross, but for now we focus on the story of (y/n).
    Loud cries of a baby filled the room as the doctor handed the baby to it’s tired mother.
    “What shall we name our beautiful daughter Max?” Sky asked her husband, the king of the country.
    The said man looked at his daughter with loving eyes. “(y/n)” He need say no more as his wife instantly fell in love with the name as she too looked at the now sleeping child.
    “(y/n), I love it.” She said crying while smiling. From there the king and queen raised their daughter with so much love. They trained her, taught her the ways of the country, traditions, and the dreams they had for her and their land. 
    The land of Nemea was a peaceful country. Hidden from the rest of the world. There were no wars, no slavery, no crimes, they valued their beliefs of dignity and respect. Their country would fight until death before giving up to keep their dignity, but if in the wrong their country would own up to the consequences and accept any punishment without fighting. The people loved their land and the people that ruled over them. The land itself was always covered in snow. It snows none stop 6 months of the year, this is known as their winter. The other 6 months it never snows, but it is still cold. Even though it is always cold there are many trees, most pine, but there are also cherry blossom trees that bloom all year even when they are not supposed to in that climate. In the spring they are most beautiful. The epiphany of peaceful just like the people. 
Now to the young princess. Everyday the princess trains under her favorite cherry blossom tree. She trains hard because she knows she has to lead her people one day. As she was training one day a young boy appeared. He had purple hair and golden eyes. She instantly had him at sword point asking his name and how he got there, but the boy was oblivious to the questions she asked as he was stunned by her beauty. Her long (h/c) shined in the light. Her (e/c) the most amazing thing he’s ever seen and most definitely his new favorite color. He looked towards her full lips and snapped out of his trance as he saw them moving.
“Again I repeat who are you and where did you come from?”
“Ah sorry to startle you! My name is Sinbad and I was exploring when I found a cave that was really cold and I wanted to find out why. It lead me to this really cold land and then I found you, what’s your name by the way?”
“(y/n)” She replied short.
“Where am I?” He asked wanting to hear her voice more, for it was as beautiful as her.
“I cannot tell you that for it could endanger my country if people knew of it.” She replied while lowering her sword. From then Sinbad kept asking questions. Everyday he would come to find her practicing. It was the start of a friendship between the two young kids.
Finally one day Sinbad did not come. She wondered why, but could do nothing but wonder. This happened for weeks before she gave up waiting for him to appear. That’s when someone new appeared. He watched the young girl smiling at the rukh as they flew around the girl excitedly. Until he spoke. She jumped and went on guard. He thought it was interesting that the rukh surrounded her as if in protection even though he was a magi. That’s when he knew that she was going to be very important. 
“I know you do not know me, but I have a simple question for you. Will you listen and answer?”
“I will answer depending on the question only because the butterflies seem to like you.” She answer shortly. 
He found it interesting that she could see the rukh for she was not a magi nor a magician. He shrugged it off and asked her, “If you could change the world, what would you do with it?”
“Simple, I would make it like Nemea. No wars, not starving, no slaves, and everyone is free to believe and dream. There is no social class everyone would be important and matter. Everyone would help each other and respect one another. That is what I’d do.” She smiled with determination in her eyes. 
He smiled at her and knew what he wanted to do. He looked at her and said, “You are very interesting and one day we will most definitely meet again someday. For now I must go, but some advice. Don’t be afraid and go inside.” He then disappeared and she shrugged it off. Well that was until she felt the ground started shaking. After a short while it stopped. She opened her eyes and that’s when she saw it. A dungeon. She knew what it was, the travelers of her country talked about them. Specifically how many lives they’ve claimed. She knew her parents would not send people in for fear of their lives and so she decided it was her or no one. And that starts her journey. 

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