jock | peter parker au

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peter parker, the most irritating guy ever.

he has all the girls fawning over him, amazing grades, he plays football of course and he's just bloody perfect.

he toys with every innocent girl's heart and hangs out with dickheads like flash who pick on freshman who were once just like him, a nerd.

everybody seems to forget peter was once a scrawny nerd who was shy and nobody liked, he was the one getting bullied. how the hell did he suddenly become attractive and the bully?

"oh my god isn't he just too hot to fucking handle?" jessica giggles quietly as peter sat with the football team, giving our table quick glances.

"totally." the girls all drool over his dirty blonde locks and muscles as i roll my eyes so far back they nearly fell straight out of my head.

"shit he's coming over!" peter stands up and approaches us with a smirk.

"hey i was wondering if you ladies were coming to the game this friday?" he looked around at all of us.

"why should we?" alex says whole twisting her hand around her finger.

"well who wouldn't want to see me play and i certainly wouldn't mind seeing you all there, motivation you know?" i could see the girls all hold back an array of girlish squeals.

"we'll see if we can."

"great see you all later." he winks at us and leaves.

"fuck me..i don't even like football but now i do!" the table is full of laughter as they plan their outfits, hair and makeup.

i'm just wondering what excuse i can make not to go.

i walk into my least favorite class ever, chemistry.

it's not the subject or the teacher that makes it hell, it's peter parker who happens to be my partner for the class.

he is already sitting at our desk with a smug look in his face that makes me want to just slap it off immediately.

"hey gorgeous are you making an appearance at my game on friday?"

"no." his face drops.

"w-why not it's gonna be a good one."

"i don't like football, and i really don't like you." i turn to grab my bottle of water out of my bag when he grabs it off me.

"hey!" he laughs as he stands up making it even harder to grab my bottle back.

"not until you say you'll come to the game." he laughs as i struggle still.

"i can buy another water bottle.." he snatches my bag rummaging through to find anything else to steal.

"your chapstick, books, phone!"

"why do you want me to come so badly?" i sigh in defeat as he lowers the bag.

"maybe i like you, maybe i want you there." i couldn't say anything back to that, he couldn't be serious. the peter parker is telling me he likes me? no can't be true.

"come on give me a chance y/n, please!" he pleaded and i want to kick myself for getting lost in his hazel puppy-dog eyes.

"fine, whatever." he smiles widely.

"you won't regret it."

already am.

"sit down here girls, come on y/n peter wouldn't want you to be late." telling my friends about chemistry class was painful was my ear drums, the quiet screams and ripping apart my closer was very funny though. i has jessica straightening my hair, alex was dressing me and ellie doing my makeup..i felt like a long lost barbie doll.

i sat down and searched for peter among the crowd of buff guys and found him nearly immediately, god why do i have butterflies now looking at him?

we were sat right in front of where the boys leave their water, no coincidence since jessica fought through to sit right here for a reason.

the boys start tapping peter and pointing over at us and he smiles and approaches us.

"y/n your hottie boyfriend is approaching." i sush alex as he waves.

"hey you actually came!" he looked stunned for me actually showing.

"well i made a promise didn't i?"

"you look gorgeous." peter blurted out quickly.

"t-thanks." i smile as he scans over my figure over and over with almost wide eyes.

"gonna be hard to concentrate, got a pretty girl on the sidelines now." he laughs with me as he bits his lip looking annoyingly good.

"good luck."

peter's coach starts yelling relentlessly at him as he blows me a kiss and running back to the field leaving me in shambles with rosy cheeks and a huge grin.

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