Chapter Fourteen

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I sat next to Katsuki, awaiting Mr. Aizawa's instructions and plans for the sports festival training. I shifted in my seat, becoming more and more impatient within each second.

The doors slowly opened and Aizawa fell to the floor in his yellow sleeping bag, looking like a worm. I tried to suppress my laughter, but failed. As soon as I wheezed, he got out of his sleeping bag and raised an eyebrow. "I'm glad you find that funny." He said in his monotone voice. I thought I was done for. He smiled, which was rare because I had never seen him smile.

He went to his desk and looked at the class with a serious face. "Alright, we need to discuss training for the sports festival. Now, we will be down a classmate since (Y/n) isn't participating, but that means she will need to assist one of you. (Y/n) and Bakugou are the most compatible, but since they are a thing I can not allow you two to partner up, so I have decided to put (Y/n) with Todoroki since he is the second most compatible. Is that alright (Y/n)?" He asked, gesturing towards me. I was about to nod my head in agreement but Katsuki interrupted. "The hell? She isn't partnering up with that half and half bastard. I don't give a damn who it is. Hell you can put her with Deku and it still be better than him!" He stood up, slamming his fists on the desk. I face palmed and hit him on top of his head like his mother would. "Cut that out you idiot, you are embarrassing me!" I yelled, sending him a cold stared. I saw steam come out of his ears and his face become even angry. "Don't hit me damn frosty, I'll kick your ass!" He screamed back, growling at me. Aizawa hit us both on the head, making us sit down and grab our heads in pain. "Shut up." He spoke, making everyone gasp. "I asked (Y/n) if it was okay with her, not you Bakugou. I don't know what your problem is with Todoroki nor do I care. Shut up and let her pick." He said, backing back up to his desk. I clicked my tongue and looked the other way, pouting about the situation like a baby. "Tch, I'll be Todoroki's assistant or whatever." I spat. I saw Katsuki out of the corner of my eye clench his fists and look back at Todoroki mouthing stuff that I did not care to know.

At lunch, I sat with Todoroki and forced Katsuki to sit with us to discuss our differences and set them aside both for the sports festival and my sanity. "So Katsuki, Todoroki, how are y'all?" I smiled, trying to break the ice. Todoroki hummed and Katsuki clicked his tongue, not answering me. Anger grew inside me and I got impatient with the continuous silence and stare downs. "Answer me stupid ass holes!" I said throwing chips from my lunch at each of them. "Tch, you are really asking me to kick your ass today aren't you." Katsuki growled. I sighed and facepalmed. "Look, I know Todoroki isn't your favorite person, but it is just for the sports festival. I have to at least help someone with training since I am not actually participating in it. I trust Todoroki, and you should trust my decision." I said, looking down at my lap, hoping he would understand. Todoroki looked around awkwardly and Katsuki sighed, putting his arm around my back and resting it on the seat. "I'll trust your decision, but if he does something, I'll kill him and you." My eyes widened and began to laugh nervously. "Oh nonono nothing will happen I promise." A sweat dropped. His threat made me began to question if I should really trust Todoroki.

After school, I left Katsuki to catch up with Todoroki. "Hn? You need something (Y/n)?" He asked, concern filling his voice. I gave him a soft smile. "No I just wanted to walk with you today. You know, since we are going to be training buddies for the sports festival and all." He smiled and looked down. "Thank you." He spoke quietly.

We walked for what seemed like hours, talking about what we liked and what we disliked, what our life was like and how my relationship with Katsuki was and who he was interested in. To my surprise, he was interested in Momo. The thought of them being together made me aww and squeal. I teased him about it until we got to my house. He waved goodbye and I thanked him for letting me tag along with him.

I unlocked my door, roaming the house in the dark. I tripped and ran into things, making me yell out curse words every now and then. I went to the bathroom and showered, putting on my favorite song and singing and dancing to it. The shower was my safe zone, where I'd scream and do things that I normally wouldn't when out in public or with my friends.

After about an hour or two of being in the shower, I draped a towel over me, humming and dancing towards my room. I opened my bedroom door and turned on the lights, looking through my drawers to find something to sleep in. "God damn I thought you were gonna be in the shower forever." A familiar voice sounded, making me scream and cover myself. "What the hell are you doing here idiot! Get out!" I yelled, my face turning bright red. He chuckled and put his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my head. "It's only me nerd, no need to get your panties in a twist." He laughed. I pouted and pushed away from him, crossing my arms and sitting down on my bed. "You scared me you fucken jerk." I spat. "Aww don't be like that baby~" He cooed into my ears, sending shivers down my spine. I shot him the middle finger and grabbed my clothes, leaving the room to put my clothes on.

I walked back to my bedroom seeing Katsuki sound asleep in my bed. 'What the hell does he think he is doing sleeping in my bed all peaceful and shit' I sighed. I smiled at the sleeping boy and cuddled up next to him. He put his arm around me as if it were instinct and snored away. He was so cute, I thought and drifted off to sleep.

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A/n: yoooo I haven't posted an update in like a whole decade, lolol. Happy 2020 yall. Tell me what you think of this chapter because I think it is straight up bs lol. ANYWAYS, this is a somewhat long chapter since it has been a while since I have updated. Thank you for bearing with me I love you all🥺❤.

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