Urie Kuki x Fem!Reader: Where do babies come from?

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"Slow down, little princess" Urie chuckled as Yuka placed her small hands around her father's neck. "What got you excited all of a sudden?"

"Well, I wanted to play with aunt Saiko, but before I entered her room, she yelled something like: Bear me a strong child, Maihime! And then... I had a question to ask you and mommy..."

"What question do you have for mommy and daddy?" Urie asked as you could feel your heart beating faster, praying not to be that question

"I wanted to ask... Where do little babies come from?"

Both you and Urie froze in place as Yuka looked at the two of you with curious [E/C] eyes, waiting for a reply.

And some moments flashed before your eyes... and you could still hear the words that crushed your childhood innocence... and you could still hear the promise you made... the one that you'll never hurt your child's feelings...


They come from boys that like to sit on their ass,
They come from girls who want to grow up too fast,
They come from screaming, fighting, make up sex.
They come from little girls, like yourself

It's been one week since you and Urie graduated and decided to live with him, since you wanted to leave that hell pit.

And today it was you and Urie's three years anniversary.

It was the day you decided to grow up and take your relationship to the next level.

"[Y/N]... Are you sure?"




"Oh god"

"I'm 100% sure... S-so... let's do it"

They come from boys who take things they don't own,
They come from girls that begged to be left alone.
They come from bleeding, screaming,
No, no, no!
They're an accident, from so long ago.

It's been almost three months since that day... but for the past week, you started to feel sick...

"What's with you tonight?" Urie asked as he kissed your neck softly

"K-Kuki... Please, stop. I'm not feeling that well"

"Come on... let me make you feel better"

"Please... I beg you..."

"Tell me what's wrong"

"Stop... I said stop!" You screamed at him, making him flinch as he backed off

"[Y/N]... Tell me what happened. Is there something I did? Please... Tell me--"

"I'm pregnant"

Those words seemed to echo in his head as he looked at you with his eyes wide open, trying to find the right words to say. Until...

"That's wonderful, [Y/N]" he said as he smiled softly. It was your turn now to look shocked at him

"Y-you're not mad?"

"Why would I be? I'm happy. I really am"

"I... I thought that you were going to leave me..."

"Why would I do that?" He said, hugging you as you started to cry. "[Y/N], I still love you, you know? We'll manage. I'll make sure we'll live a happy life. The three of us. So stop crying and smile for me, okay?"

End of flashback

"W-well..." you started to say while Urie looked at you from behind his shoulder. He sighed and looked at Yuka, flashing her a warm smile

"That's a secret between mommy and daddy" he said, earning a whine from Yuka

"Pleaseeeeee" Yuka begged. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Well, how could I say no to our little princess, right, mommy?" Said Urie as you looked confused at him

"W-what do you mean, Kuki?" You asked as he sat down on the couch with Yuka in his arms

"So, you want to know where do babies come from?" Urie asked as Yuka furiously nodded her head. "Yuka, when mommy and daddy love each other so much, a little baby starts growing inside mommy's tummy"

"Out of nowhere?" Yuka asked a little confused

"Nope. They have to kiss before" explained Urie as you started to chuckle

"So after mommy and daddy kiss... A baby starts growing inside mommy's tummy?"


"Woah" said Yuka as she looked amazed at her father. "I have to tell aunt Saiko! Thank you mommy and daddy!" She said as she jumped from Urie's arms and ran to Saiko's room

"You're great at explaining things, you know?" You chuckled as you rested your head on your Urie's shoulder

"Pretty simple explanation" he simply shrugged

"So... When are we going to tell her about her new baby sibling?" You asked as your husband pulled you closer, making you sit on his lap

"We have enough time" said Urie while he intertwined your fingers together as you started to giggle


A/n: I kind of like this one, but I think I made Urie a little too ooc ;_;

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