S Support: Felix and Annette

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Fanart by Juliana

Garreg Mach Monestary

Annette: (singing) Oh, how I just love to clean, clean the library room. It just takes a flash of light, and then it all goes boom! A flash and then a big boom, suddenly the deed is done! My! What a great job I did! Who says cleaning isn't fun!

Felix: You know, that song of yours always was my personal favorite.

Annette: Bah! Felix?! You scared me!

Felix: Sorry, Annette, I wanted to surprise you, not give you a heart attack.

Annette: What are you even doing here, anyway? I thought your new role as Duke Fraldarius would be keeping you really busy.

Felix: It does. Fraldarius territory is still recovering from the war, so it's fallen on me to help with repairs and cover damages. It's not my favorite work, I'll tell you, I'd much rather be outside, sword in hand, charging at the enemy.

Annette: So why did you come here?

Felix: Because... because I missed your singing.

Annette: I beg your pardon?!

Felix: It's the truth. Often I find myself lying awake at night, staring up at the ceiling in complete and utter silence. Then I remember your singing, and my body gets all warm and fuzzy, for some reason.

Annette: Felix...

Felix: So I've come to finally patch the part of my life that's missing. Will you marry me, Annette?

Annette: Oh! Felix, I...

Felix: I've already talked to the archbishop about it. He's been thinking about hiring some new professors for the academy this year, so you wouldn't have to worry about leaving everything in chaos.

Annette: sniffle...

Felix: Are you... crying?

Annette: Yes, but it's not... Felix, I'm just so happy! You're the only one who's... who's ever truly appreciated my singing.

Felix: Then, are you saying yes?

Annette: Yes, yes I'd love to marry you Felix! Just think, with my working spirit, we'll have your territory patched up again in no time!

Felix: And at night, when no one else is around, you can sing for me. Sing about whatever you want. No matter how silly others think it is, I'll always enjoy the sound of your voice.

Annette: Oh, I'm getting excited just thinking it all! Aren't you excited, Felix?

Felix: I may not look it, but this is the greatest day of my entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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