Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"I'll be right there."

Kongpob returned his phone to his pocket and he sighed wondering why his mother would be visiting him at this hour. Before he could think any further, he recognized the sweet smell of her perfume. He spun around in his wheelchair to find not only his mother, but his father and his brother as well. He grimaced and his brows knotted. He deeply sighed.

"Why is he here mother?"

"Kong before you throw a fit, listen to what he has to say."

Kongpob looked at John and thinly smiled.

"So, they dragged you here for what, reinforcements?"

John walked up to his brother and hugged him. He then turned to his parents.

"Mom. Dad. May I talk to Kong for a minute? Alone."

Madame Suthiluck and Master Tanawat shared a worried look and then walked to the other side of the garden to wait on a bench. John walked behind Kong and started pushing his wheelchair while they talked.

"Kong, I know that you've heard a little about how Mike and I grew up, right?"

"Yes. My heart aches for what you and Mike went through. Tanawat is a horrible person."

"I can't really argue with you. It was hard. I ran away leaving Mike to fend for himself. My mother ran off and made a new life for herself with you in her stomach. I didn't know about you until after Mike died, but I don't love you any less than I loved him."

"Where are you going with this John?"

He stopped walking and knelt in front of Kongpob.

"Kong. I've searched for a reason for Mike's death since it happened. I pray everyday that I could turn back time and reach Arthit before he went to that house and that Mike had never taken his own life. But I can't. All of things happened and I will never know why Mike felt like he had no choice other than to kill himself."

"What's your point?"

John sighed and held Kongpob's hands.

"Maybe God is allowing us a reset...a chance to start over. Mike's death did something to our father. It broke him. I've never seen him like this before. Nothing has ever made him as contrite as he is now. He has made amends with mom and me. Now he's looking to create a relationship with you. I know it's hard, but please give him a chance. Just a small chance. Hear what he has to say and if you still want to hate him, I won't bother you about again."

"John. I know you love your father. I get it. I do. The man you want me to give a chance to is the same man who arranged a deadly accident that cost me my son. He killed my child. How do I forgive that?"

"You forgave your mother."

Kongpob had no answer for that. Learning about the loss of his child led to his accident. He lost his legs and his son in one day. He wasn't sure he would ever forgive his mother, but Arthit convinced him to let go of the hate. Arthit showed the depth of forgiveness when he forgave Mike for what he put him through. Forgiveness gave birth to healing. As a therapist he knew that, but his heart hurt for the son he would never raise. Kongpob hung his head and began to silently cry. He didn't know if his heart could take it, but he agreed to speak with his father. John hugged Kongpob and walked over to his parents.

His father slowly approached him and knelt in front of his chair.

"Kong." It was almost a whisper but Kongpob heard him. "I'm sorry. I know those two words don't begin to make up for what I've taken from you, but I'm praying that you allow me the opportunity to be a better man in your eyes."

Kongpob looked at him through teary eyes. He wasn't sure why he was crying. Was it for the family that was taken from him? Was it for the child he lost? Was it for the goodness his father killed in Mike? Was it for being a monster to his mother? The beating he gave his mother that caused her to escape with her life almost killed her and the baby inside her. His father's actions almost ended his life before he took his first breath. How could be forgive something like that?

"I...I d-don't know wh-what to say to y-you. I w-want to scream. How c-could you mur-murder my son? He was son. I'll never h-hold him."

Kongpob broke down as his body violently shook with sobs. His mother, seeing what was happening, ran to Kongpob and held him. Tears came to his father's eyes as he bowed down. With his forehead touching the ground, he placed his hands on Kongpob's feet. Tanawat's voice was muffled as he begged for Kongpob's forgiveness.

"Kong I am a wretched man who does not deserve to live let alone be forgiven. I understand if you never want to see me again. Whatever you decide I will abide by your decision. I just want the chance to begin to make amends. God has taken my son from me to punish me. I wanted to die when I saw my son lying dead on the floor of the home where I held him as a baby. At that moment I knew I had done wrong by all my children. I believe God has allowed me to survive my son's death to make amends to those I've done wrong."

John had joined his father on the ground. He placed his arms around his father and laid his head on Tanawat's back to comfort him. He looked up at Kong. They locked gazes. John's eyes were pleading with Kong to give their father a chance. Kong beckoned to John to help him stand. John lifted Kongpob until he was leaning against him.

"Get up father."

"No. I need to stay at your feet begging for forgiveness. I will do whatever penance you request, just please forgive me."

Tanawat's voice cracked as he spoke.

"Father. Please stand." Madame Suthiluck helped Tanawat to stand. Although he stood, he couldn't lift his head to meet Kongpob's gaze. Kongpob lifted his hand and used it to lift his father's head so that they were eye to eye. "The things you have done are unforgiveable. I believe you know that. I have done hurtful things to the people I have claimed to love and have asked for their forgiveness. They have given it to me, so I would be wrong not to accept your apology and begin to forgive you as well. It will be hard, but I will try."

Tanawat threw his arms around his sons and hugged them while crying on their shoulders.

"I love you boys. I plan on spending the rest of my life showing you how much and being a real father to you both. God as my witness."

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