C h a p t e r - S e v e n

49 5 13

【Magical Maladies】

Sophie walked into the common room and sat on the couch, she looked up and saw Neville with a couple bruises, then looked down and saw blood on both if their faces "uhh, Nev, I think we got cut when the dragon hit us.." She stated

"I think it's more than just a cut Soph'" Neville lifted his arm to show her a large cut across his biceps, bleeding fast, and his arm slowly turning purple, he sighed deeply falling down onto the couch.

Sophie stood up, wincing at her leg, but ignoring it, wanting to focus on getting Neville better, and her eyes widened. "Nev! We have to get you to the hospital wing!!" She limped over and pulled him up, wincing at every step as she dragged him out of the common room

"Stop it Sophie! I'm not a baby anymore! You're alway trying to help, which is great and all, but I don't need you by my side, every single minute of the day! I can do things on my own! I don't need your help!" Neville said in front of Sophie's face, blood dripping from his arms, creating a pool on the newly polished floor "Ugh crap... Filch is going to kill me"

Sophie looked slightly hurt, but spoke back "Neville, I'm sorry, but your arm is dripping with blood right now, so go to the hospital wing, I won't bother you anymore, just make sure you're fine.." She said and started limping back to the common room, wincing at the pain shooting up her leg

"I didn't mean to be rude- But I know when I want to go to Madam Pompfrey or not." Neville followed Sophie as she once again entered the common room. He didn't take notice of Sophie's pain, of course only by accident, and he just walked to his dorm, hobbling slightly, "Night- well, good morning now, but Night Soph'" he said shutting the door.

Sophie sighed and limped into her room, curling into a ball on her bed and closing her eyes tightly, trying to subside the pain

Neville tried to sleep but the puddle of blood that lay on his bed distracted him, each time he turned he splashed in a pool of red, and everytime he took a move he winced his arm going a darker shade of purple- as if there was no blood there left.

Sophie could smell a strong smell coming from Neville's room, she immediately shot up and limped into his room, turning the light on and gasping at the puddle of blood "Nev! You're gonna die!" She shouted

Neville woke up along with the other members of the Gryffindor Boys Dorm. Neville was weak, he couldn't lift himself off his bed, and his arm felt numb, slowly he felt as if he was fading away, he couldn't speak to Sophie and the voices around him started to blur and so did his vision.

Sophie ran/limped up and grabbed his arm, lifting him up and started dragging him out, she fell to the ground with her leg and screamed out in pain, so Ron and Harry picked Neville up, and Brian picked Sophie up, taking them to the hospital Wing

Neville passed out in a second and blood started to soak in his shirt.

Sophie buried her face in Brian's shirt, for two reasons, one for the extreme pain that was travelling up her leg and going up, and two because she couldn't bare to look at Neville and want to take his pain, she hated that he was suffering "I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine" she repeated in her head, but she really wasn't

Neville lay motionless as Harry and Ron struggled to take him into the Hospital Wing. By the end, the began to drag him lightly across the floor, blood trailing, soon enough, with great patience they arrived at the Wing

Sophie whimpered slightly as she was laid down on the hospital bed, and looked over at Neville, who was having his wound closed up. She eventually had the guts to look down at her leg and saw a purple colour travelling up her leg, she immediately started panicking, as her whole leg was purple, and the colour was travelling up her hips.

Neville lay on his bed, unconscious. Every few minutes his body would twitch, but nothing major.

Sophie closed her eyes and opened them again (which is blinking- xD) hoping that the colour was gone, but it was still there

Neville lay still. Now surrounded by a crowd of Gryffindors.

Sophie was carried out the room, on the chair, Madam Pomfrey had absolutely no idea what was happening to her leg.

Neville was unconscious.

Madam Pomfrey found out that her leg was being infected with the dragons venom, and she would have to stay in the hospital wing, in critical condition- IF she survived.

After 30 minutes, slowly Neville began to wake up, but with a throbbing pain in his arm.

Sophie was still lying in the hospital bed, with a purple leg, fortunately Madam Pomfrey had manages to slow the spreading but she didn't know how to stop it completly. "Nev?" She whispered weakly as she heard him groan

Neville rolled to his, suddenly grasping onto his leg, groaning loudly, screaming in pain.

Sophie looked at Neville and widened her eyes. "Neville!!" She screamed, then rolled over, shooting pain all up her leg and screaming

Neville watched Sophie, he was eager to go and help her- but he was trapped in an immobile suit "God dammit!" he swore, but screamed instantly as he raised his arm.

"N-Neville" she whispers, closing her eyes (that sounds fucken wrong omg- ) "help.." She says and passes out in pain

Neville watched horrified "MADAM POMPFREY-" He yelled repititively until the nurse came running in, expecting Neville to be in pain but instead seeing his eyes transfixed on Sophie who lay on the floor motionless

Sophie lay on the floor, the poison from the dragon was slowly traveling up her stomach, and infecting her immensely

Neville watched when Madam Pompfrey take Sophie away from the room, Blood was oozing down the floor and a trail of pus coming out of Sphies arm as she was carried away. Soon Neville was vomitting

Sophie was still unconscious, as the venom was in her stomach, killing her slowly-

Neville whimpered slightly, anxious to know where the nurse took her, anxious to know if she was alright. Neville lay worried, coughing up blood every few minutes, along with a bit of vomit.

Sophie was being worked on, eventually madam Pomfrey had done what she could do, and wheeled an unconscious Sophie back into the room. She cleaned up Neville's mess and gave him a quick potion to stop the vomiting and blood, then informed him that Sophie was in a small coma like state, and will wake up in a couple hours

"A couple of hours? A COUPLE OF HOURS?!" He yelled.

-skip a couple of hours-

Sophie whimpered slightly, moving her head to the side

Neville was asleep, though a very light one- he was dreaming, all he could make up of the picture going on in his head was a blurred vision of Sophie.

Laying in a pool of blood, dead.

"NOOOOOO!" Neville screamed, he woke up panting.

"N-Ne-Nev" she whispered, barely audible

Nevilles panting became fainter and when he saw Sophie he reached out to her for a hug, but disappointed he realized he was still trapped- "Ugh, eff you Pompfrey.." he muttered.

Sophie reached into her pocket and weakly grabbed her wand! pointing it at Neville and undoing the brace that was holding him down. "That looked uncomfortable" she whispered and smiled weakly.

"It was" Neville enfolded his arms around Sophie, not saying a word.

Sophie hugged back, burying her face in his chest, because of the height difference and silent tears streamed down her face.

Neville stayed in a silent embrace for a while till he spoke to her softly " What happened to you? "

"I don't know Nev, but it was horrible, I-I was so scared" she said, still crying silently

Neville hugged Sophie tightly and knelt his head on her shoulders "Just... Don't die" he spoke softly. "Don't."

"I'll try Nev.." She whispered, still shaking slightly from her weakness


I leave ju betches on Cliffhanger bc tired- it's 10:15 or some shit rn and i didn't sleep last night....

there is yo chappie

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my ass is out.

oh, btw- don't be so perverted about the gif- it's perfect if you think about it in this book pov.

The FightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora