Chapter 15 - part 3

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Ivory and Jackson exited The Library, just a little bit. They were still on the ground, while Dr. Qwick was leaning over a storm drain, ready to pry it open. His getaway plan. He was also frozen, confirming Jackson's theory. He couldn't or wouldn't stay in slow motion for too long. They already knew he took a while to warm up, therefore they had a few moments where they could attack him before he would notice. 

On a count of three, the two of them leaped up, tossing handfuls of paper airplanes into the air. The planes hovered for a moment, and then each of them pointed their tiny paper beak towards Dr. Qwick. And caught on fire. Only after that did Jackson and Ivory exit the Library of Powers completely.

What followed was madness (not that they stuck around to see it). But for the record, there was screaming, swearing, and a mad dash to the nearest water feature. Luckily for them, that feature was a few blocks away. And just as they suspected, Dr. Quick was a little too preoccupied to start slowing time. He needed to concentrate to do so.

The two of them dashed into the building Dr. Qwick had exited. Ivory took out her phone and shot a text to the other Supers on the job, a superhero team called The Nobodies.

Jackson had met one of their members before, GeoGeo, in the Vera City Public Library. He hoped he wouldn't be recognized, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if he was. GeoGeo thought he had time manipulation powers, just like everyone else.

"I have a better idea, Urbanity."

Ivy looked over at him. "Hmm?"

Jackson held out the glass pen. "This will take us right to them."

"I already told you, I don't have any of the right kind of paper," She responded with a hint of indignation.

"Will this work?" he held up a sheet of slightly transparent, cream-colored paper.

Ivory grabbed it from his hands, examining it. "Where did you get this?" She said, curious.

"You said at one point that the paper needed to be vellum. Well, The Library of Powers has a lot of old books made of it, so I grabbed some a few days ago just in case," He moved on, "Will a superhero name work?"

Ivory's face contorted, "Jackson, we wrote 'Dr. Qwick' on the ones we just threw. I don't think that man has a Ph.D."

He lightly chuckled. Of course. How come he so easily missed things? How come he has to have everything spelled out? Was there something wrong with him? Superheroes have to think for themselves. And somewhere, deep down, Jackson didn't think he would ever be able to. It's not like he didn't have free will, that was ridiculous. No, he thought that he would be perpetually too afraid to take a leap of judgment. He would always stay back in his corner and only venture further when someone guided him to the next room. The old thoughts came creeping back. "What are you going to do, Jackson?" He whispered.

"What was that?" Ivory asked.

"Let's go to Bernard Harbour Monday. That gives us a day to find a way to get there. I don't think you have any other plans for your mid-winter break," he mused.

She rolled her eyes. "That hurts, but it's true. How will we get there? I don't think any bus routes go that far."

"I think I know someone who can drive."

"Jackson, please don't tell me it's Melanie."

"Ivy, c'mon, she's been nice. What's your problem with her?"

"She's a self-entitled rich girl who's used to getting everything she wants."

"Sounds like Selina to me, not Melanie."

She considered it. "Fuck it, alright." She finished folding the paper airplane, and set it off. They watched it make a tight turn into an alley, but before they could follow it, they heard someone yell "Ow!"

Out from the shadows came GeoGeo, one-third of The Nobodies. This was the first they had seen of them the entire job, despite communicating through the AHB's messaging service. GeoGeo held the paper they had sent in his hands, turning it over lightly. "Ain't that summthin," he remarked.

GeoGeo was in his superhero costume like the last time Jackson had encountered him, but this time it felt not like a green sweatshirt but a cowl, draping his face in shadow and striking fear into those not savvy enough to tell hero from villain. However, when he positive IDed the two of them, he dropped the hood and gave a toothy grin. "Who woulda guessed the Doc would be making a hit tonight and didn't tell the entire city!"

Ivory, or, Urbanity, took the initiative. "Well, we dealt with him for a moment. But this is definitely above our pay grade."

GeoGeo cocked an eye. "Yeh. About that. How come you two couldn't call it in yerself?"

"We're not fully registered yet," Jackson, or, Stopwatch explained.

"How come they don't let entrees call in reinforcements?" GeoGeo wondered mostly to himself. He started to pull in walls from his plane. Large, tessellating structures of dull grey and green. He enclosed them fully but made the structure transparent so they could see outside. No way Dr. Qwick could get to them in here.

Ivory tried to regain control of the conversation. She knew that getting in good with real superheroes could help them become such themselves. "Most entrees aren't able to take missions that would ever need the option. If something bad were to go down, they'd just call 911. No need to waste resources."

GeoGeo gave a grunt in response. He seemed to be doing something to the walls.

"So it follows that y'all aren't your typical entree, then," said American Dream, revealing himself. He had been standing behind them, and Jackson wondered for how long. What if it had been Dr. Qwick there?

American Dream was a large, barrel-chested man in spandex and tights. It was almost unbelievable how well he fit the role, and it could not be overstated how cringe-worthy that role was. Though Jackson couldn't help but respect such a dedication to form. "My real question, then," He continued, "Is why you aren't already full-time heroes?"

Ivory gave Jackson a withering glare. He raised his arms in protest. He didn't realize that their conversation would be such an interrogation. "I'm not 18, and I don't have a heroism degree." Ivory answered, keeping her response curt.

American Dream kept digging, "I assume your partner there isn't either, then."

"I a-" Jackson started before being cut off by Ivory.

"He is. And for the record, I will be in two days, so don't act like we're children."

Ivory's birthday was soon? "I didn't know that."

They ignored him. American Dream gave a noncommital wave. "I'm sorry, that's not the tone I was trying to strike. I'm just tryin' to figure out what your deal is... That also sounds bad. What y'all stand for."

Jackson thought on that. It wasn't exactly what he expected, but it was an interesting enough question. What did they stand for? Ivory seemed to have a blind devotion to Justice. She would run headfirst into traffic if it meant stopping a bad guy. Whatever that meant. They seemed to have differing opinions on who was a "bad guy". What did that even mean anyway? Someone who is evil beyond reproach, or anyone who did even the smallest moral wrong? So, if not Justice, what did they stand for? Why were they superheroes?

"Nothing? That's disappointin'. If you don't have something to fight for then I would highly recommend you don't fight at all. You'll cause more trouble then you're worth." 

GeoGeo stepped in. "I understand, Dream, but don't be so hard on 'em. They did well, not dyin' and all."

"I mean, we didn't exactly expect..." Jackson was once again stopped by another, but this time it was a man in a red suit, tapping on the barrier.

"Triazz, we found him," GeoGeo said into his ear.

American Dream looked at the two of them. "Well, time to get to work. And I thought tonight would be boring," he cracked his knuckles, "Not sure what you stand for, huh? Well, here's what The Nobodies stand for."

Their battle was legendary.

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