Chapter 7: Annex

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A small crowd had formed around Jackson, but it was still more then he would have preferred. Melanie and Connor glared at Jessica from their corner, but their efforts to give her the stinkeye seemed ineffective.

"So, what are ya gonna do?" Jessica asked Jackson, in a way that was actually addressing the crowd. Jackson thought for a moment. Of what he could do, not for the crowd, but in general. He could leave the party and never come back. Jackson really wanted to do that, but he knew deep down that would only make things worse. Besides, it was only a demonstration, right? Now, what would look cool for a group of buzzed teenagers?

Jackson found his answer in the little clear cups of liquid that jostled hip level. He scanned the crowd, looking for one in particular. When he found it, he stepped up to the man who was holding it and asked him "Hey, could I have your drink?"

"Uh, sure." The man responded.

Jackson took the cup from his hand, which had the drink he had been looking for, water. (At least, with the level in the cup it was filled up to he hoped it was water)

"Here goes nothing!" Jackson told the crowd as he held the cup at arm's length and in one swift motion tipped it all the way over, spilling the contents.

Well, spilling only meaning it left the cup. As the water made its fateful descent, Jackson made his partial descent into the library until the water was practically at a standstill. Then, after setting the cup aside, he drank the water like an astronaut on the ISS. Which it was. Water, that is. That was honestly a relief, as Jackson could have died if it had been something else. When he finished, he fully exited the library, to faces both confused and a teensy bit impressed. Jennifer even gave a slow clap, although he thought it was sarcastic. His suspicions were confirmed when the man who he had taken the water from stepped into the circle which had formed around Jackson and got too close for comfort.

"Seriously? That's it? Any half rate speedy altered human could have done that. And you claim to control time? I call bullshit," he spat, glaring at Jackson. Jackson had to take a step back, not mentally prepared for his tirade. He, once again, he considered just leaving. By this point, he didn't even care what any of his classmates thought of him. Although, he could show this asshole what a true super could do. But how could he prove he was more than just an enhanced agility or dexterity type?

Jackson searched the crowd for an option, but his answer came not from them but from the coffee table in the center of the room, upon which there was a large square book entitled "Architecture of The Vera Peninsula". The bulky tome had a photograph of Heroes Ladder on the dust jacket, and would work perfectly for what he needed.

Because unlike most, he didn't just have super agility, but super comprehension.

Hastily grabbing the book from its resting place, he first noticed the heavy layer of dust blanketing the cover. He seriously doubted anyone in the Demarcson family had read it. Holding the book to the still growing group gathered around him, it was only now that Jackson realized his hands were shaking. He tried to keep them steady, but simply couldn't. It was like his actual movements were slightly off from what he was perceiving, his hands felt calm but his mind was a tumultuous surf. Had he ever been in front of a crowd like this before? Had he ever been the center of attention? He wasn't sure if he hated or loved it. Instead of fretting further, he simply muttered "Watch this," sat on the warm carpet, and entered The Library of Powers.

Now he was sitting on a completely different carpet, this one a puke green shag. Slowly getting up, Jackson Reil was once again in the imposter Bernard Harbour Public Library. Two is a coincidence, three is a pattern, he told himself as he walked aimlessly. Without even realizing it, he headed straight for the locked door. It loomed in front of him, its secrets still withheld. Maybe he had hoped something had changed, that the door had opened. That was not the case. Averting his eyes from the passage that so mocked him, Jackson searched for a comfy seating place, and upon finding one, set about learning the wonders of the architecture of the Vera Penninsula.

Five hours later, as Jackson resubmerged from his voyage into the library, Jackson still was swimming in various facts about the various designs of the various buildings in Vera City. Now back in Selina's living room, the crowd had apparently grown even larger, with at least the welcome additions of Melanie and Connor. Noticing the book-strewn across the floor, as Jackson stood up to address the crowd he pushed the lengthy coffee table volume into the man who had questioned his true abilities. "Ask me any question on this book. Any minute detail."

After a quick scoff, the man, a large linebacker type with buzzed hair and a fairly impressive goatee (as much as a goatee can be called impressive) flipped to a random page searched for some sort of question, and asked him "Alright, then who sculpted 'The Wheel', famed as the Southern entrance to Lavender Heights?"

Jackson had to give him credit, it was a good question. One Jackson had guessed would be asked, so he had a snappy answer waiting. "Why, it was the joint work of John Vasquez and The Arbiter, head of the superhero team Red Dream."

"Lucky guess. What about chapter 3? What's it called?"

Jackson was a little warier in this question. He hadn't thought about trying to remember the exact titles of sections. "That's the one about two bay park, right?"

"What's the title though." the guy said, obviously not grasping the point of Jackson's proof.

"It was something like 'Spanning from East to West'"

The man instantly stood straighter up, pumping his chest out. "No, it was 'Spanning from Bay to Bay'".

Melanie stepped forward, her expression contorted into one of incredulity. "Seriously? You're going to be that petty Rob?"

Rob answered her by rolling his eyes. "Hey, who knows," he defended, "Maybe he'd already read it!" He dramatically slammed the book back on the table, as if that was the end of the matter. Surprisingly, Jessica agreed with his ridiculous notion. "Who knows what Jackson does in his spare time. He might just know a lot about Architecture."

Okay, he had to admit, he did know a lot about Architecture. 

With the spare time he had, he knew a lot about most topics, and he didn't think he was being boastful by thinking so. It was the truth, plain and simple. Though Jackson would never defend himself. He had already spent his courage for the day, his ephemeral pocket change of social interaction was going deeply into debt. Was it time to leave? Selina had been a little off-putting, and while Melanie, Connor, and Damien were at the very least friendly, the night had put him into a sour mood. Who cares what the party-goers thought of him? He certainly didn't care if Rob thought he had a different power, in fact, the more he thought about it, sowing suspicion could cover up what he was truly hiding. 

Looking for a way to dip out from the conglomeration still very much around him, he remembered that Ivory was still somewhere in the house. He hoped she was okay. He glanced down at the green sticker still attached to his shirt and made up his mind.

"I've got a better idea!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Jackson looked for the source, his hand falling from the strange object he was about to activate. "Let's try it again with a book he definitely hasn't read!"

Selina Sadie Demarcson made her way into the circle, clasping an arm onto Jeniffer's shoulder, Lillian in tow. She held in her hands a small yet thick blue volume, weathered down over the years, brass strips beautifully encasing the cover in small spirals. It's front was unmarked, and Jackson instantly knew what it was. In fact, he had seen a similar object by accident only earlier that week.

"Your book," he breathed, in awe.

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