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I sit on the couch with Hoseok and Jungkook.

The Namjin couple was out.

Taehyung went to take a nap from 'no sleep'.

Jimin. Park Jimin was. Well I didnt know where Jimin was.

Jimin was slowly drifting from all of his friends, but no one noticed besides Yoongi of course.

"Have you noticed something up with Jimin lately?"

"Kinda. Maybe hes just been feeling sick, I mean it is that time" Jungkook said not taking his eyes off the TV.

"I havent noticed anything really, he isn't as vibrant though" I nodded.

Jimin had lost all of his color, his happiness.

"I'll be right back" I got up and quickly went upstairs.

I knew something was wrong with Jimin, I didnt want anything to happen to him.

I knock on the door. Theres no sound.

"Jimin? You in there?" I knock again. "Jimin?"

I hear shuffling and suppose hes coming to open the door.

I was right.


"Jimin? Is everything ok? You seem off"

"Everythings fine! I'm just feeling uh...sick, itll go away." I smile knowing that Jimin is just sick makes me feel a bit better.

"Just tell me if you need anything, alright?"

"Mhm" he closes the door.

As I walk away I cant help but want to go back. Make sure he gets medicine, but I dont. I walk back downstairs to the couch.


"Yoongi? Go get Jimin?" I get up and walk back upstairs.

"Yoongi! Wait!" I turn around.


"Is everything alright with Jimin? Hoseok said you checked on him?"

"Hes...ok" Namjoon nods and goes back to the kitchen as I continue my travel upstairs.

"Jimin?" I say as I knock on the door.


"Jin, he wants you downstairs."

"Ah...uhm! O-ok!" I wait for him to open the door.

I see some stuffies and a onesie sitting near the bed.


"Come on. You said Jin wanted me" he closed the door. I nod and we head back downstairs into the kitchen.

"Jimin! Come help me will you?"

"Of course!" There it is. That smile, that always disappears in a second. There its it's gone. I pull Namjoon into the living room.



"I noticed something in Jimins room, I know you dont room with him"

"Yeah I know. Hoseok does."

"Yes I know that, but when he came out of his room I saw something"

"Like what?"

"Stuffies. A onesie."

"So? I know many people who have those"

"I understand, but does it makes sense that he tried hiding them?"

"No, that's not Jimin at all"

"Hes hiding something and I'm going to figure it out."

"Be careful Yoongi."

"What do you mean?"

"What if this means absolutely nothing, and you hurt him?"

"I n-"

"Exactly. Do it, I'm just saying be careful." I nod and watch him walk into the kitchen.

First things first, I'm switching rooms with Hoseok. I know that means giving up my nice comfy bed, but if it means finding out what Jimin is hiding. I'll take that risk.

First chapter and I already love to write this!
I think I'll update this and Forever and Always tomorrow.
So be waiting for that!

I hoped you like this first chapter, and if there I'd anything I can do to make the ones to come better feel free to comment!


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