Chapter 1

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     How long we live doesn't seem to pass through our minds very often. We just live as if each passing day will be just like the last. When we go to bed we think there will always be a wake up. We understand that one day there will be an end, we just don't expect it to come from anything but old age. For us, all those ways that people are dying at an early age just won't happen to "Me". Dying from only old age really is a prize isn't it. I once read a quote, written by someone who's name has been buried in my thoughts, that said something along the lines of "Everyone has a life, but most forget how to live it". I don't think she ever forgot how to live. I think she woke up everyday knowing exactly how she was going to live her life. To her, everyday she woke, was like waking for the very first time and everything was a new wonder. For most people she seemed to live the most perfect life. Nothing bad could ever happen to her. Even I, the first time I saw her, thought she was and had, nothing but perfect.

     Meira Adel Denneil; she was the most determined person I have ever met. To me she seemed like she could do anything she put her mind to. Could go anywhere she wanted to go. Could convince people to do anything she thought they needed. Even if that person really didn't want to. She was beautiful, generous, caring, upbeat, and always oh so happy. But most of all, she was mysterious. No matter how hard you tried to grow closer to her, you could never break her walls. No matter how far you climbed you never seemed to reach the top. No one understands her, but everyone loves her. She could make friends with anyone, but only made friends with people she thought needed one the most. That fact was only known by people that paid attention. Meira had a habit of saving people, sometimes it’s like she’s not even aware she had. Meira denneil saved me, no doubt about it, she has changed my life in a way I can’t even explain.

     Hi, my name is Max Wimlow, and before you ask, I’m a girl. I’m just an ordinary fifteen-year-old that happens to have a male name, and not a girly outfit style. Sure, my brown hair is cut short too. I just find long hair a pest to take care of. My parents really wanted a boy, but they got me instead. I think they were scared to have a second kid after I barely made it through birth. So, it’s just me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun being an only child. My parents are nice people, sometimes maybe a little too nice. But it can be lonely sometimes, especially after you fall out with your best friend since childhood and haven't talked since the first week of school. Almost three months into the school year, and things are getting a little wild.

     The date was October twenty-fifth, Tuesday, 2016, the day Meira makes her first appearance at school. 

     At this point in time she was the talk of the school. Her first day here and she makes the principal laugh. And just so you know, no one has ever gotten the principal to smile, let alone laugh. She was already a legend at my school. Very pretty, long wavy ice blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, the perfect body and pale imperfection free skin. Her voice, apparently, was as beautiful as an angel’s. The boys were going crazy, and the girls were surrounding her. She was drawing attention without even trying. There was no way anyone of my status would be able to get close to her during the first week. At lunch you would assume you could find Meira sitting with the most popular students at the school, but Meira is nowhere to be seen. I don’t think anyone really knew where she ever was during this time period, she just kind of floated around. One day she’d be in the library, the next the office, or even in a teacher’s classroom. Never in trouble, always helping in some way.

     Currently it is November 2nd, Wednesday, 2016, and today Meira will save the first of our group.

     I watched it happen, it was passing period to fourth. Dylan Smith was being bullied by Ruben Harold. As usual he was slammed up against the lockers, this happened almost every day. For whatever reason Ruben has always been a jerk towards Dylan. Ruben’s a nice guy, but towards Dylan, nope. Apparently back in sixth grade they used to be super close, but then something really big went down, something no one had bothered to remember, between the two. I felt bad for the guy but didn’t like getting involved in things that weren’t my problem. I was right next to him when it happened. He’s the school's typical nerd; glasses, always had some sort of book in his arms, and dressed a little formal, though he always wore a light grey beanie over his head of black curly hair, dark eyes, and skin accompanied him. Dylan was pinned very quickly and very hard against the lockers. Luckily for him Meira was passing by and hurriedly put a stop to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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