Chapter 4

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Traditionally, the headmaster started the ball with a dance with the head-girl. Dumbledore was an excellent dancer even at his old age and Hermione was truly thankful for the distraction he provided.

"Why so sad, Miss Granger? A smile looks suits you much better.", he started talking to her kindly.

"A new chapter of your life is coming, shouldn't you be happy about that?"

"Yeah, I should, but I keep thinking about all the things I'll leave behind."

Her eyes darted subtly -at least she hoped- to Snape, who leaned against the bar, a glass of Fire whiskey in his hand, watching the crowd with dismay.

Dumbledore smirked. "I believe it's time then to not shut out the things close to your heart completely. Sometimes the strangest things just happen."

He bowed gracefully and led her back to her seat. "I thank you for the dance, Miss Granger."

Snape watched Hermione scornfully as she was dancing with Weasley and regretting it if her pained expression was anything to go by. She belonged with him! But how was she supposed to know that? He never opened up to her about his feelings and she was so very young. He was in no position to be allowed to make any accusations.


Flinching at the voice, he was pulled out of his thoughts.

With slight annoyance he turned to face his new colloquist.

"Yes, Albus?"

"Well, now that the official part of the evening is over, you should present the achievements of your course."

Grumpily, he set his glass down on the table and proceeded to gather the participants. Dumbledore followed him slowly.

"Potter, Weasley, Abbott, Patil, Longbottom, McMillan. Come here!"

The potion master's tone silenced any objections and the students immediately stepped forth.

"The headmaster believes that it's time for you to show off what you've learned."

"What about me, sir?"

A soft voice made him stop dead in his tracks and he allowed himself to briefly close his eyes and take a calming breath.

"Miss Granger, I do not plan on partaking in this show and since you do not have a partner neither will you."

Hermione's shoulders slacked in disappointment and Snape suddenly felt the urge to take her in his arms and comfort her, but he didn't let it show.

"Now, now, Severus, don't spoil Miss Granger this wonderful evening. Partaking would be most beneficial for you. It would give you a chance to prover your critics wrong." He threw a pointed look at Vector and Sprout. "Besides, you are the teacher of this course. You will dance."

Flabbergasted, Snape stared into the amusedly blinking eyes of the Headmaster and forced his hands to stay still and not to clutch Albus' neck then and there. With provoking slow speed, he too off his tailcoat and draped it across the back of his chair.

Then he faced Hermione, who shot Dumbledore a grateful smile, and clasped her hand with his.

"May I have this dance, Miss Granger?"

She bowed with perfect form and Dumbledore sped off to clear the dancefloor.

The couples marched in trained formation onto the free area, fell into basic stance and waited for the music to start.

Elegant as always, Snape twirled across the floor with Hermione in his arms and relished in her presence one last time. He was grateful for Dumbledore's interference too -not that he'd ever admit it- because he could hold this wonderful young woman in his arms and give into his illusions if even for a minute. A world in which there was more between them than a deep sense of respect.

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