Chapter 3

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Lost in thought, Hermione let her gaze wander distractedly, not noticing that she was being watched.

Hidden behind a shelf Snape peeked through a small gap between two books, watching her.

She looked so very beautiful.

The sunlight coming in through the windows made her form glow ethereally. Her chestnut brown hair appeared the color of honey, where it was hit by the golden rays. Dust, which had been stirred by movements and books, floated through the air around her, only made visible by that sunlight that made her look so unbelievably gorgeous. Pensive, she started to twirl a loos strand of hair around her fingers, something that had previously always annoyed him due to it seeming so very theatrical and fake. But not with Hermione. She smiled dreamily and it was obvious that there was no ulterior motive behind this action. She only did so to hurry her thoughts along.

Oh, how much he wished to bury his own fingers through her wild mane.

Or, even better, touch her soft skin and luscious lips.

Snape froze and clenched his fists. Apparently, there was nothing that could save him from falling anymore. In his anger he punched a shelf and spun around to leave the library.

A dull noise startled Hermione and she surveyed the area a little annoyed trying to find the culprit. However, there was nobody in the library except her.

She checked the time and packed her bag. One pile of books she carried to madame Pince in order to borrow them and work through them in the next few days.

The day before exams, Hermione had left the Common room to escape the noise and took off towards the library. That wasn't the best idea, because the Gryffindors, who needed some last moment help with subjects, had followed her there. Quickly she had gathered her belongings and had bolted out the door, running up flights after flight of stairs until she reached the Room of Requirement. Breathing heavily, she wished for a quiet room to study in but her subconscious must have betrayed her for when the door opened the room resembled her dance practice setting. With a shrug she entered it nonetheless. It didn't matter how the room looked as long as it was hidden from other students. With a tranquility distinct of the magical chamber she unpacked her stuff and once again dived into a world of potions, measurements and ingredients.

Snape stormed out of the teachers' room upset. What the hell had he been thinking going in there? He knew that there was always someone in there, who had nothing better to do than bug him about one thing or another, and it hadn't been any different today.

Dumbledore had entered the room with a broad grin on his face and had started talking about the dancing course, a conversation which Professor Flitwick was all too happy to join in on. These fools seriously to make such a course an annual event. Snape had breathed fire and brimstone and had tried to make it as clear as possible that there would be no such thing. Just as he had thought they would back off, Sprout and Vector had joined them and proclaimed that he simply refused because he couldn't actually dance. As if there was any Slytherin who wasn't able to perform all ballroom dances – at least in theory. One could argue that their ability of performing them on a dancefloor was questionable especially when it came to such elegant creatures like Crabbe, Goyle and Bullstrode. But as opposed to the other houses they at the very least knew about them.

Agitated he had risen from his seat even though none of the people present with the exception of Dumbledore could understand just how offended his was by their words.

When the door closed behind him, it seemed as if he could finally breathe again. He pondered where he should go now? It was summer and he rather preferred not sitting in the humid dungeon during this season, only when the temperatures became unbearable, which was rarely the case in England.

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