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Hey…*chuckles nervously while throwing this fic at you guys* Ok, so this is actually still apart of the bonus day prompt, its the second installation of Sore (: (: But this time I highlight the "sweet" aspect. This also could be counted as intimacy, but I'm actually writing another part of this story for that prompt lol.

This part was incredibly difficult and it's shorter than usual because I didn't have a lot to work with due to Lucy's physical state. People sore from sex, in my opinion, don't exactly wake up the next morning wanting a bunch of foreplay or multiple rounds. So this is one single sex scene. One. Single. Scene. YOU CAN ONLY DRAG IT OUT FOR SO LONG MAN.

So, long story short, I've fallen behind but I'm trying my best to catch up (:

Anyway, here is the second part of Sore (: hope ya enjoy it (;

Through the window wall high up in the hotel penthouse, Mr. Dragneel and Ms. Heartfilia had a breathtaking view of the city skyline. Toffee eyes creaked open to an indigo hue backlighting the tall sky scrapers of Magnolia, and the bright lights were still twinkling against the dark sky. It was serene, peaceful scene, and it was a rare moment in time that could be described as perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

Lucy Heartfilia felt like she had been rolled by a truck.

The blonde groaned loudly, wincing in pain as she turned onto her left side from her stomach. She squinted at the cerulean blue numbers, it was only 4:08 a.m. Knotted locks dropped back to the plush pillow as she released another groggy moan. Well, she was awake…might as well go clean up and inspect the damage done. But a large part of her wanted to remain in bed, because she knew her body was going to look like it'd been through the grinder. God had he been rough…

Lucy brought her wrists up to her face, inspecting the irritated skin. She wrapped her left hand around the other wrist to feel the red marks.

"Ah," She quietly hissed. So she had been correct, she really did feel as bad as she looked.

Lucy sighed, lowering her arms and closing her eyes. She began to relax her breathing and focus on each individual muscle in her body. Lean legs burned with a constant ache. Her inner thigh muscles were taut from being overstretched while her quads and calves tensed from all the straining. Three orgasms tended to have that effect. Her lower lips and pelvis hurt, but from the rough fingering and bruising force Natsu was using last night, that was going to be a no brainer. Lucy's left eye twitched at the mere idea of walking.

Well, she knew she had to get up at some point, and a hot shower sounded like pure heaven. Lucy shifted on the bed, about to swing her legs over the edge of the mattress before a strong arm snaked around her waist.

"Somewhat conscious are we?" A quiet, horse laugh bubbled from her plump lips as Natsu pulled his fiancé in.

Lucy lifted her side up off the bed a little so the pinkette could wrap his left arm under her. The arm curled around her torso so the top of his thumb brushed the underside of her right breast. The limb was probably going to fall asleep with Lucy's weight on it, but at the moment, he didn't care. Natsu's other arm draped low over the curve of her waist, heated palm resting on her stomach as he slowly drew small circles with a calloused index finger.

They had talked a little about children and decided on waiting, but that didn't stop Lucy from dreaming. So when feathery touches left goosebumps on her stomach, she couldn't stop her breathe from hitching. Sleepy lust ignited, and her mind began to overthink the placement of his hand. Overthink how his heated palm gently pressed against her empty womb before raising to accommodate the movement of his finger. Overthink how he was drawing circles, large circles…drawing them right above the place where she would carry his child. Their child. A life they createdtogether.

Empty womb huh? God did she want to change that someday…

Her bare back shivered against his heated pectorals, aching muscles singing in joy from the close contact. Usually, Lucy complained about Natsu's unnatural body heat, she liked sleeping under fuzzy blankets and decorative down comforters. But when your fiancé's body temperature runs like a freakin' furnace that really isn't an option anymore. She felt Natsu snuggle tightly up against her, his chest retracting with each exhale he took. The athlete barely lifted his head, forehead brushing his fiancés ear as he placed a sweet kiss to her neck. His head then fell back to the pillow, and he nuzzled into her post sex hair before stilling again.

In response to his gentle caresses, Lucy leaned into his loving embrace. There was no room for air as her shoulder blades pressed against his muscled chest. Her left arm came up to cover Natsu's own, interlocking their hands underneath her breasts. She repeated the action with her right, wanting to overlap their arms and completely feel his body against hers. Soft finger pads skimmed down tan skin at a lazy pace, goosebumps following in their wake. She slid her fingers in between his thicker ones, halting the pattern his index finger was making. Lucy gently squeezed his hands, pressing them further against her torso and abdomen.

Oh lord she would have loved to go for another round. But, she was incredibly sore. And secondly, she really wanted to take that much needed shower. Lucy loosened her grip, trying to carefully pry his arms apart so she could get out of bed.

"Natsuu…c'mon…I have to clean up." Shaky arms struggled with tan muscle, and all Lucy got was a gruff noise in response to her quiet plea. His triceps tightened, trying to encourage her to give up the idea when a soft yelp left her throat. He barely flexed, and the force he used couldn't even compare to the strength he displayed last night.

Lucy quickly bit her lip, forgetting about her swollen and cracked skin as she tried to stifle her cry. But it was no use, because another pained moan left her throat as white teeth pinched sensitive flesh. The blonde swore under her breath, she didn't want to completely wake up Natsu and worry him. All she wanted to do was ease out of his grip and take that blistering hot shower. It would soothe the incredible ache racking her body and clean her off.

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