• chapter 4 •

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* Sorta a Yandere Chapter *

We enter the restaurant, it has beautiful fairy lights all draped from the ceiling, marble tables and a cute bar.

"Hello, welcome to (Restaurant Name)! For two?" a young man says to us, while grabbing two menus.

"Yes, for two" I say while hugging Vincent's arm. He looks down and gives me a loving smile, before I kiss him on his cheek.

"Aww how adorable, would you too like a seat at the bar or at a table ?" The host says while fangirling at us.

I giggle, Vincent chuckles and says " A table would be great, thank you.~"

The host motions for us to follow him, while he leads us to a clean table with two chairs on either side.

"Thank you" I say as the hostess mentions "Your waiter with be with you shortly, my name is Alex, if you need anything. Enjoy!"

I sit down, and open the menu seeing a bunch of delicious dishes. Arraying from sandwiches, to steaks.

"Hmm I think I'm gonna get the (Y/F/F). How about you babe." I ask Vincent, putting down the menu.

"Hmm that sounds good, I think I'm going for the steak. Thats always my favourite, I just wish they had toast.~"

Vincent says with a pouty face. I give a small giggle, looking at him.

"I'm sure you can ask for toast on the side instead of garlic bread!" I say trying to reassure Vincent. Just then, an young blonde server comes to our table.

"Hello, I'm Jake, I'll be your server for tonight." Jake says while taking out a small pen and paper.

"What can I get y'all for tonight ? Any drinks ?"Jake says while looking up at us.

"Uh yeah sure, I'll get a (Y/F/D) please." I say after putting down the drink menu.

"Heh, I'll just get a beer, what do you have on tap ?~" Vincent says while look up at our server.

.. (Vincent's pov) ..

I don't like this guy, I thought to myself. I see him giving goggly eyes to (Y/N).

He better not do anything to her, I don't fucking trust him..

I'll just order a damn beer to ease myself..

.. (Y/N pov) ..

I sit and enjoy the restaurant environment. LoFi music is lightly playing in the background, while I wait patiently to hear what Vincent wants to drink.

"We have Coors, Budweiser, Miller, Corona, and Heineken." Jake says in a slim annoyed tone.

"Hmm I'll just take a Heineken, thanks..~" Vincent says with a little huff in the end.

I can sense the tension between the two, curious about what's going to occur.

"Alright I'll be back with the drinks!" Jake says while giving me a wink, before he leaves for the drinks.

I turned away, slightly blushing.

"Oh he did not just do that !!!~" Vincent says while standing up, slamming his hands on the table. Earning everyone's eyes on us.

"Vincent ! sit down ! it's okay !" I say in a yelling-whisper voice, trying to relax him. Taking a grasp of his hand, on the table, slightly rubbing my thumb on the back of his hand.

"(Y/N) it's not okay, he just winked at you. Do you know what that means ?~" Vincent says while growling, sitting back down onto his seat.

"Look, he's just some young kid who doesn't know anything. He isn't anything like you, he isn't handsome, strong, or perfect like you. He is just trying to cause shit, and you know that. God, you know that I would never leave you, for anyone! "I try to tell vincent, while grabbing his hand again, giving it a tight squeeze.

"I love you Vincent, and you know that, I would never leave you for anyone else !"

"I.. I..know..I love you too (Y/N)." Vincent says giving me a reassuring smile.


Jake comes back with our drinks, and asks us for our order. He later comes back with our food, and gives me another, god damn a wink before slipping a piece of paper with his number on it, under my plate.

I immediately mentally facepalm, looking away, waiting for Vincent's furyaided  expression.

After he leaves, Vincent gets very mad, but I quickly act fast and calm him down while he rips up the paper into shreds. He looks at me with revenge in his eyes, while I give him a worried look.

"Im gonna teach that motherfucker a lesson.." Vincent growls under his breath.

"Vincent, don't do that, he's young, and doesn't know.." I say trying to calm Vincent down. Worried about his later actions.

"..Fine" Vincent says, as he mumbles something under his breath, but I couldn't make out what he says.

.. (Time Skip) ..

We finish eating and Vincent pays for our dinner.

"Aw thanks Vinny" I say while kissing him, holding his hand as we start to walk out of the restaurant.

"No problem babe, I just gotta go to the washroom, meet you outside." Vincent says while walking off.

"Alrighty" I say. 'I wonder what he's up to..' I thought, while walking outside, looking back at him.

Ahh finished this chapter !!
Hope y'all like it! Please let me know if y'all like it, or if there is a request!! :D

• A Purple Blur • { vincent x reader } Where stories live. Discover now