Who freaking knew?

She groans under her breath, re-adjusting herself on the chair for who knows how many times, just to feel constricted and tight around her thighs again and again. The feeling of them being squished against each other isn't a great feeling, especially when she has sit down for almost the whole day doing paperwork.

She stops squirming and decides to deal with the discomfort.

With a deep inhale, she turns towards her mahogany desk where lots of papers and stationary lay on it. Just get shit done, and before you know it, you're finally over this internship. Motivated, she nods once to herself and takes the pen from the holder on the top-right corner.

"Oh hey there, fellow co-worker!" a masculine, bubbly voice cheers, interrupting her little zen moment.

Louise stifles a sigh, and slowly faces the person. She takes in the guy's dark brown hair that's neatly swept to the side and slightly upwards, and the Oscar-winning grin that doesn't look like it's going to falter any minute now. "Hey?"

"This place is pretty cool, huh?" he says, excitement clearly shown upon his gentle featured face. "I still can't believe I'm here, you know?"

She stares at him uninterestedly, wondering what could possibly be so exciting about working in a business firm as an intern? It's literally all about paperwork, and coffee runs. All she can do is reply back with a hum of agreement.

"Oh, how could I forget? My name's Connor," he introduces, still showing off his pearly whites at her, and taking a seat right in front of her. This causes Louise to raise an eyebrow, and he immediately sees this, stumbling back onto his feet again. "Right, uh, you're . . . obviously busy."

"So should you."

He nods, gradually stepping away from her desk and towards his own, which she just notices that it's just two desks away from her. Still so close. "We'll just talk later at lunch!"

"No, we certainly won't," she mutters to herself, now focusing back on the papers on her desk.

Maybe this time there won't be any more distractions.

          ❄            ❄            ❄

Leaning back onto her chair, Louise crosses her fingers, then twists her arms in front of her as a stretch, and a smile of satisfaction etches across her lips that's covered in a flattering shade of red.

She's achieved her goal of workload before noon. And now that it's already twelve-thirteen, she's ready to grab some lunch.

Just then, the phone on her desk rings.

Her eyebrows furrow in surprise. That phone hasn't rang the whole morning until now. Who can it be? Without a second thought, she grabs the receiver and puts it next to her ear. "Hello?"

"Oh thank God," the person on the other side of the line huffs. "I was beginning to think that all the interns went out for lunch already."

Ah, so that explains the annoying ringing that's been going around the room for the past five minutes, she thinks, and now glances around the office.

It consists of ten interns, and all she can spot are two other interns. One of them is Connor, who seems to be waiting for her, but tries to make it less obvious by standing next to the fax machine as if he's waiting for papers that are never going to come.

Then, her gaze latches onto the desk that's right next to hers, which is right in between hers and Connor's. She glances at the name plate in front of the girl's desk. Melanie Fisher. Unlike Connor, she's actually doing something.

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