I reached my shaking hand up to my ear and hoped that I pressed the correct button as I whispered "Aydan?"

"Back up now." Aydan commanded in my ear.

I took several quick steps back until I couldn't back away any more. I was against the counter again and no matter how hard I tried to think of a solution the fog in my mind wouldn't allow it.

Todd groaned and then growled. He shot to his feet and launched himself at Cameron and Theo. I let out a terrified squeak and clamped my hand over my mouth. Cam was the one ready this time he managed two swift hits to Todd's side but Todd landed one as well. Three more people dove into the scuffle and I lost track of who was hitting who or where anyone was.

Someone cut the music from the other room and a group of guys dove into the scuffle as well. The newest members managed to restrain and remove several people from the fight until it had ceased completely.

"Take it outside!" One of the guys commanded and shoved the lot of them outside including my guys. I took a step toward the door where they had all disappeared but a hand wrapped around my bicep halting me.

"Wait." Sab ordered.

"What?" I demanded.

I couldn't wait. 

My friends were outside in a massive brawl and he wanted me to just wait in the house. Not only was that against my orders from Aydan, I was supposed to be in contact with one of them at all times, but it was also against every instinct I had. I needed to be there. I needed to help them.

I pushed at Sab's grasp so that I could go out to them but Sab was relentless. Not only would he not release me, he was pulling me in the opposite direction.

"Sabbatian Petrov let me go this instant!" I demanded.

To my surprise he released me with a light shove. The push forced me into the bathroom and he shut the door behind us. I glanced around the bathroom but there was no other way out aside form the door Sab was currently blocking. 

"Move!" I said.

"No." He said. "It's not safe."

"Not safe?!" My shaking had gotten worse and I couldn't tell anymore if it was from fear or rage. HOw dare he pretend to care about me or my safety after ignoring me for weeks?!

"Not safe." He repeated through gritted teeth.

"Oh!" I laughed harshly. "So what? Now you care?"

Sab tilted his head. Regarding me as if he had no clue what I was implying.

"You don't get to just turn it on and off Sabbatian. You care or you don't." I growled.

"I care." He stated simply. He held up both hands palm up as if he truely had no idea why I would think he didn't care.

"Really? Because the way you've been ignoring my texts and avoiding me in class makes it pretty obvious that you don't." I said. He wasn't getting off that easy. Not after the hell he had put me through buy making me htink I had done something horribly wrong to make him hate me.

"I do." He growled stepping toward me. "That was for your protection." 

He pointed at me as he spoke but I didn't back down. I was furious with him. If he was foolish enough to move away from the door I would just use that to my advantage. I stepped forward squaring off against him. Sab squinted at me and left no opening for the door. He knew what my goal was or at least he thought he did. It didn't matter to me. Caring or not he needed to move. I didn't have time for lies.

"My protection?" I laughed shaking my head. "I see no correlation between ignoring my existence and protecting me so just move."

"NO!" He boomed.

"Sab-!" Before I could get his full name past my lips again he grabbed me and crushed his mouth into mine. There was none of the asking, teasing, or hesitation that the others had shown. Sab's kiss was all consuming. It was firm, rich, and smooth just like I'd imagined. Chocolate.

All of my anger slipped away. All I could feel and think about was Sab and his delicious mouth. I kissed him back just as hard. If he wouldn't let me speak then I could at least show him how strongly his absence had affected me. His hand shifted into my hair urging me closer and trying to convey everything he couldn't explain. He cared. He was frustrated and angry that he couldn't explain it but he cared and he was going to kiss me until I believed him.

 His teeth scraped across my bottom lip, biting, and producing a stinging sensation that warmed me from the inside out. I let out a breathy sigh. Sab tilted his head. His fingers tangled further in my hair and his tongue swiped across my lips impatiently. I understood and eagerly opened my mouth to him.

Sab let out a growl of approval. His tongue swirled around mine and then he sucked pulling my tongue into his mouth. I gasped. My knees gave out along with the last of my resistance. Sab's arm around my waist kept me up right against him. Heat pooled somewhere between my legs and my stomach quivered with raging butterflies trying to escape the warmth.

Sab pulled away from the kiss and we both stood there trying to catch our breath.

"I care." He breathed against my lips. "And I will explain but not here."

I blinked rapidly to try and clear my mind. Between the intoxication of Sab's lips and the alcohol my brain was useless. Sab's hand in my hair loosened but he kept his arm around my waist. He reached up, tucking my hair behind my ear, and slipping the communication ear bud out. He put it in his and then touched it to speak.

"Delta to Alpha. Birds secure." Sab said.

"Sdelayu." Sab said. (Will do.)

"Let's go." Sab said to me.

"But the guys!?" I gasped remembering that the other guys had been in a fight. We needed to be out there. We had to help them.

"Princessa." Sab tapped my chin in a silent 'look at me'. I raised my eyes to his.

"Trust me." He said. 

He didn't state it like a question but I couldn't help my answering nod. I needed to learn to trust them. Trusting Sab, after everything we had been through together, didn't seem like a bad way to start. 

Authors Note:  

Sab's back and grumpy as ever :)

I'm not sure if I will be home early enough to update tomorrow (Saturday) so I am posting an update a little early. 

Don't forget to let me know what you think and/or any questions you might have.

Thanks for reading! And voting! 

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