Chapter 4

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I hate traffic. There's no particular reason for this this traffic except that Californians can't drive when it rains. be fair, it's a fucking drizzle and they act like its a goddamn down pour but whatever. I turn up the music to calm down my level of annoyance.

You make me crazy
it's not just the wine
Go on and take me right across the line
Looking at you, I got one thing on my mind


"Were your ears burning?" I say playfully. "What?" He replies, I laugh "Nothing, what's up Changkyun?"

There's a little bit of a pause before he starts talking, "Well...what are you doing this weekend?" I squint my eyes and scrunch up my nose before answering, "Uh, nothing I don't think why?" "OH GOOD!" He shouts, startling me "I've been thinking how I want to meet and talk to you in person. Will you come to our concert in LA this weekend? I can get you a VIP pass so you can come to the meet and greet after the concert."

I must have taken too long to answer for his liking because he immediately says, "You can bring a friend if you want! Then you won't have to come alone." I smile, "Deal! I'll bring my friend Lauren, she'll probably die because she's in love with Wonho and Jooheon. Oh...what am I supposed to say about how I got these magical last minute VIP tickets?"

"Ayesh...Can't you just say you won them or something?" He says. "I guess it'll just be my lucky year than" I reply laughing "Well I just got to work but I can't wait to see you this weekend!" He laughs in return before saying "I can't wait to see you either babe! Have a good night! I mean, day!" The phone hangs up before I can say anything. Did he just call me babe?!

I might just be my imagination but I swear that's what I heard...but then again why would he call me that? I shake my head and walk into work excited to tell Lauren I have the best Christmas present for her.

*The day of the concert*

"AHHHH!! I still can't believe you won VIP tickets to see Monsta X! I swear I'm going to jump Wonho when I see him at the meet and greet" Lauren screams excitedly. "Won't Jooheon be jealous seeing you with another man?" I tell her while finishing up my makeup. "Dammit. You're right, I'll just have to play it cool. I'll gladly take them both. Same time. One after another. Whichever" she says winking at me. I can't keep a straight face "Aye! You're so bad" I say laughing, knowing that she's entirely serious.

The concert was amazing! We were basically within arms length of the boys, I don't think Changkyun saw me but I can't blame him, there were several hundred people there and every one of these bitches was thirsty. Lauren was ecstatic, Wonho threw his shirt right at her and she hasn't stopped wearing or smelling it.

To be honest, I was pretty nervous for the meet and greet. I know we talk all the time and FaceTime sometimes but would he be able to recognize me in person? What if the connection I keep feeling doesn't amount to anything once we meet? I start to feel myself spiraling downwards until Lauren bumps my arm, "What's wrong Marie? Don't worry! It's almost our turn and then you can confess your love to I.M" she says jokingly. If only she knew how right she was.

Lauren was in front of me so she got to meet everyone first, I laughed at her interaction with Jooheon she couldn't stop smiling and was barely able to form a sentence. He kept smiling at her and laughing with those damn dimples, which by the way are even more gorgeous up close. He was holding her hand the entire time, I swear I thought she would faint but somehow she was able to make it to the next one without issue.

I was trying to look ahead and see where Changkyun was when I heard someone say, "Don't worry, he's down there. He's the last one." I turned, shit, I hadn't realized I had been pushed forward and I was standing in front of Jooheon now. "I'm sorry, wait, what?" I replied, a huge grin creeped across his face accentuating his dimples "Changkyun, he's down there, don't worry" he says as he winks at me. I didn't know what to say, how did he know that's who I was looking for? I just smiled and told him how big of a fan I was and how excited I was to meet him. As our time together came to a close Jooheon said, "Thank you for coming, it was so nice to meet you. I'll see you later Marie!" I smiled and thanked him before moving on to the next member not knowing what he meant. Wait, I don't remember telling him my name...

I have similarly strange interactions with the rest of the members, it's as if they all knew who I was and who I was there to see. Could he have told them who I was? How did they know what I looked like? Oh shit, I see him. It's finally my turn.

I walk forward and look up. There he is. Changkyun in the flesh. His hair is blonde and gracefully sits on his head barely touching the tops of his eyelids. His eyes are another story, they're are a beautiful dark brown with little slivers of honey that I can't help but get lost in, like I'm searching for the bottom of a pool that I'll never find. My eyes travel down his slender nose and I can't help but look down at his lips which are more voluptuous than I imagined them being in person. He's wearing a black button up shirt with a sleek black suit jacket over it that exposes enough of his chest that I can see the little freckle that sits to the right of his Adam's apple right above his collar bone. How can this be the person I've been talking to for the past 2 months. He doesn't even look like a real person.

" about that weather?" He says as a smile sneaks on his face. I realize I've been staring at him for who knows how long, I feel my cheeks start to heat up, "Ah...I guess people are supposed to talk when they're face to face with one another huh?" I say, trying to act like my heart isn't in my throat and beating a million miles a minute. We both laugh for a minute. He grabs my hands and starts caressing my fingers. The heat that was in my cheeks starts to travel down my chest, towards my belly button.

We spent most of the few minutes we had together holding hands and staring at each other, the sounds surrounding us were muffled and it felt as if it was just the two of us. His fingers are long and slender, his touch is more delicate than I expected but still sends shivers up my arms and down my back.

With every touch I feel the heat growing and traveling farther south. Get yourself together woman. Just keep breathing, it's unbecoming to orgasm in the middle of a meet and greet. I say to myself before a woman who is in charge of keeping the boys on track during the meet and greet comes over and taps him on the shoulder snapping us both back into reality. She tells him it's time to keep moving. He makes a cute, sad puppy face before turning back to me. He grabs my hands one more time clasping them together as he says, "I'll see you later okay?" before I have a chance to respond I'm being ushered of the stage by the same woman. We keep staring at each other, unable to take our eyes off one another until I'm forced to because I'm about to trip down a flight of stairs.

"Marie! Are you okay?" Lauren asks with some concern, "What? Oh yes, I'm fine, I just wasn't paying attention. I'm fine" I reply trying to look back at him but we've since been pushed and ushered out of range. "Wonho was so excited that I got his shirt! Ugh I almost died when they were holding my hands. I can't believe this even happened! Thank you so much, you're amazing, I can't believe you got these tickets. THANK YOU!" She screams before jump hugging me. I barely catch her mid air and hug back, as I wrap my hands around her I realize there's something in my left hand. What's this? A note?

Wait for us in the east parking lot ❤️

Who does he mean by us? "What's that?" Lauren questions pointing to the piece of paper in my hand, "Oh, uh, it's just something I found in my pocket. Why don't we go hang out in the parking lot and see if we can catch them as they leave" I suggest, hoping she doesn't question the note anymore. "Ooh! That's a great idea!" Lauren replies before grabbing my hand and taking off towards the parking lot.

There are quite a few fans waiting when we arrive, I look around trying to figure out where the hell the east lot is. "Hey Lauren, why don't we try over there?" I say while heading in the direction I think is east. She tries to stop me, "Wait, why? There aren't any busses or cars over there. Everyone's got to be waiting here for a reason."

I look at her and smile, "Yeah, but maybe that's what they want you to think, if you were famous wouldn't you have a decoy?" A grin creeps across her face as she grabs my hand again, "Alright Sherlock, but if we miss them I'll never forgive you" she says before we start sneaking away from the rest of the crowd.

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