The Beginning

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The normal classes started, every teachers one by one, repeatedly asked for the introductions. On the other hand, Karthik already bunked few classes to have fun with the senior troops that was headed by Gaurav. Pooja was so upset cuz her heart was filled with blank space for Karthik which i would never be able to replace. Slowly i took a Pen and wrote this in a Notepad "Hey Pooj, do you already miss him ?". Annoyed Pooja gave an expected answer "Nope. Why do i have to care for him 😒". I wanted to make fun of that expression though but i started bursting out with laughter until my teacher noticed and sent me out. Pooja was burried with her own thoughts that she never noticed that i was walking out of the class. Damn she! I am just waiting for the interval to cut her head to two. I just wandered around the college, looking at the vast auditoriums with  few people practising for band, dance and music sessions. Later crossed by park with a large ground area for cricket with large grown trees surrounding the empty space and with lots of greeny bushes giving space for many couples to lay down and have a romantic time around. Later i heard some crazy noices coming out of my stomach. I understood that i need to rush to.. Nope not restroom. It was sound of Hunger... I was just searching for Canteen. Accidentally i met Sanjay, the assistant CPL. Gracious gods, he was stunning with his looks. I just told Hi and enquired him for the Canteen. "Go Straight and you will see the Eagle Statue and to the left of it, you will see the Canteen. Also since today is your first day here, take this Food token, as a token of welcome from here senior!" , saying so he tossed a Food token at me, politely. Yah..! He seemed to be a badass, but with a kind heart. I crossed him , walked a few meters ahead and turned back to see if he was still there. I know i am pretty much stupid, but to my surprise and shock, he was staring at me, standing from the same place we parted. Again i went few meters front and turned back but his eyes never stopped the Glance. This time, i felt little bit scary and just walked all the way to canteen as fast as i could. As soon as i reached the destination, from the outside, first it looked like a big Mall. With so many small small restaurent boards welcoming me, i saw my token which had 500 Rs Free Food which is more than enough to satisfy my hunger. I went straight to get a Biryani and fill my tummy. There was a less queue and i was successful in getting my lunch and enjoying eating it with my hands,cuz i always prefer eating in hand than spoon. Few more spoons of rice were still pending when my stomach was already full. "Indecent Toxic people never would learn the Decent way of eating!", I could hear a voice shooting down at me. It was Ria. I never dreamt of having a conversation with her. I just starred at her and continuing to finish off my meal. She came and sat opposite to me introducing herself. " I am Shreya", i told her. "I expect no more meeting of us! So please dont take your aweful face back to Cafeteria, because this is my place where i kill my boredom with. So stay away until you learn some decency". "Decency doesn't depend upon your habits. It depends only on the way you speak and your speech clearly shows how low your decency is and thanks for asking me to stay away because its the best i could do for myself to not get harmed for indecent society people", saying so, i washed my hands and walked to the Canteens exit. Three Snaps came from a distance which was clear enough for me to hear. "You will never enter the Canteen again", said Ria's voice. Knowing that i had already made an enemy who is again the girfriend of the person, who is my hate at first sight, i clearly knew it was  just the Beginning...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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