Khathiya Scenes

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'Khathiya' Yes that's exactly how the village was called so. There in the corner of Fourth street , in a big old cottage I used to spend my summer vacations with my grand parents. I use to play with my neighbour named Kapoor. He was senior to me by two years but still our friendship had no limits. He was my only company all the time during the summer vacations. I use to come to Khathiya mainly for his sake. Our small innocent way of spending our free times, playing with each other by hitting each other with pockets of mud balls and pouring water on each other and some of those memories I will never ever forget in my life . I use to share these fantastic experiences to my mom once I return to my hometown, Bangalore. Over there in Khathiya , we wake up soon and once we finish our breakfast , we run to play.. Over there I have visited Kapoor's school many times . It would be total fun. Very soon, I became a well known guest of Kapoor's house . So was he, in my home.. I will definitely not forget my 13th year summer vacation over there. That year where our friendship flower turned to a love fruit. Yea !! I slowly started loving him without my knowledge. I missed him during every second of his absence. I enjoyed and loved his presence with me. I felt as though we were the only people around the entire world who were alive. Though I couldn't exactly know how my love was. But more than that we were actually a very good friends. I don't know why I stupidly felt this love sensation towards him. But I was sure that I was stupid. So I think I do love him. I never wanted to move from Khathiya forever. But very soon through a phone call my parents told my grandma that they wanted me back at Bangalore immediately and the car has been sent to Khathiya to pick me up the very next day. As soon as I heard this I ran to inform Kapoor. There, Kapoor was already standing with tear-flooded-eyes. It seemed that somebody has already informed him about my departure. I tried to convince him by telling some idiotic jokes. But he never smiled . Finally I told him goodnight and went to my home to sleep. But that day I couldn't sleep at all. I just couldn't imagine how things were happening like this , so fast . The next day morning, my car was already in front of our house to drive me home. My grandparents packed all my stuffs and loaded it in my car. I was sitting near the window is that I could have a clear view of Kapoor . He was standing at a distance and with a gloomy face and wading me a sad bye. "Don't worry Kapoor. I wanted to tell u something since I am leaving so soon , I will tell you at my next vacation . Until then don't feel sad. I will try coming soon. Just take care of yourself and don't forget me. Gonna miss you a lot" , I told . "Me?? Forget you ? Never ! Until the last breathe of mine turning off , I will remember you ! Waiting for the next summer vacation just for the only chance to meet you.! And by the way I too have something to tell you. Take care sweety!" , he told with his tears rolling down his cheeks. I tried to control my tears and waded him my final Bye.. Not knowing that it was going to be the last meeting for us in Khathiya.

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