What if Deku became a villain

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Chapter 2

As he was on the other side of the portal, he was in a bar. He saw a girl who was sitting on a chair and staring at him. "Hey Shigaraki, since when do you bring cute boys here?" the girl asked. "Toga. You know what All for One said. Or did you forget?" Toga wasn't really listen to Shigaraki she stood up and went to Deku. "Yeah, yeah what ever? So what's your name? I'm Toga." she said and reached her hand. Deku grabbed her hand and shocked it. "Izuko Midoriya. Pleacher to meet you Toga-chan." Deku said a bit smiling. They let go of their hands. "Don't celebrate to soon Toga can be a real challenge." Shigaraki said motionless."Hey that's not true!" Toga shouted. Shigaraki raised one of his eyebrows. "Am I really lying? Toga, we know long enough." Shigaraki said cold."Okok I'm sometimes a challenge." Toga murmured. Deku layed his hand on her shoulder Toga look up in his face. "Don't worry it could be funny and I like challenges." Deku said. Toga lightly blushed and smiled. "I like this guy he is nice." She pointed to Deku."Good then you can show him his new room." Shigaraki said. Toga nodded. "Come!" she said happily. Deku nodded and followed her. While they were walking: "So Toga what's your quirk? I have no." Deku asked curiously. "I can myself transform in other persons or things but by persons I need blood." Toga explained. "Wow that sounds really amazing!" Deku said. "Thanks." Toga said. "Ok there we are...your room." She opened the door and they entered the room. "It looks... nice." Deku said and layed his bag on one of the chairs which are in the room next to a table. " If you need something you can ask me. My room is down the hallway left. But I go back to the bar now." "Thaks Toga." Deku said. Toga nodded and left. Deku put some things out of his bag. For example mobile, photos, earbuts, his favorite book, dart and a poster of heros. Suddenly he saw a note in his book.

Izuko, if you read this I'm probably not with you. This guy who was in our house was just a thief. Well I did underestimate him. But anyway I hope you'll still be my good boy and still try to catch your dreams. Just don't do anything dumb. What am I writting about I don't need to worry about you. You'ra such a clever, nice and good boy. Be careful!

Love, your mom Inko.

Deku read this note four times and he got sader and sader. He was so greatful to his mom. He wiped the tears from his eyes and whispered :"Thanks mom... Rest in peace.." Then he pasted the poster of heros on the wall and threw some arrows hit it on the faces of the heros. "You will pay for this." he whispered angrily. He looked at the clock it was half past seven in the evening. Then someone knocked on his door. "Come in." Deku said and the door opened it was Toga. "Would you like to join dinner?" she asked. Deku smiled. "That would be my pleasure." he said. Toga smiled and said. "Then come." The two went to the bar. As they arrived Deku got introduced to the rest (Dabi, Kurogiri) "So you are Izuko, right?" Dabi asked. "Yeah." Deku answered. "You know, you look a kinda too nice for being a villain." Dabi commented. "Yeah, didn't had a chance to change clothes." Deku answered and Dabi nodded. Dabi hold an unfinished crembrulet in his hand. "Hey, wanna see a trick?" Dabi asked. Deku nodded excitedly. Dabi light a small blue flame above his fingers and burend the crembrulet. "Viola!" "Wow that's a nice trick." said Deku while Dabi blew his finger out. "Isn't it." he stood up. "Come I'll show you a bit around." Deku simled. "Thanks." he said and stood up too. "God night Toga-chan." "Night." she yawned and waved. While Dabi and Deku walking: "And what do you think of us. Are we so bad to everyone who come to us?" Dabi asked. "I think you guys can be quite nice if you want... Quick questions." Dabi look to Deku and raised an eyebrow. "Spit it out." he said. "Well why did you join the villains? And how did you get this scars?" Deku asked. Dabi stopped and looked to the floor. "My father wasn't really nice although he was and is a hero. He always pushed me and my siblings around that one day one of us became the number one hero. Although I wasn't the one with the quirk of both of my parents like my youngest sibling. He got pushed to hard later he got mantally broken because our mother shook hit water in his face. Now he has a nasty scar on the left side of his face. And a few months I left and joined the villains. I got the scars myself because at this time I couldn't kontroll my quirk that good." he paused and looked at Deku. "Does this answer your questions?" "Yeah. And I'm sorry.." Deku answered. Dabi raised one finge, Deku looked in this direction. "There are two trainingsrooms. Opposide to them is the washroom." Dabi explained.

- After the tour -

"Thanks for showing me around, Dabi." Deku said. "No problem. Good Night, Midoriya." "Night." Deku yawned. Dabi left. And Deku changed his clothes and went to sleep.

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