Chapter 17

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After the phone call at the bar-

"Good you're finally back!" Toga cheere. "Kaminari send a few more information about the B-class and some others." Dabi said and handed Deku some papers over.

"Some films about their technics and attacks are on a stick also a short part of their behavior and personality, all in your room." he explained. "Thanks, Dabi." Deku said and scanned some papers.

"I'll take a shower." Shigaraki said. "Yeah, me too." Deku agreed bar and so they left the bar. After the shower Deku dressed up and took a quick look at the films. He was quite impressed by some students.

'Wow, this Monoma-guy has a quite good quirk it's almost like mine... I bet father stole it from his father or mother... Let's see his limit would be about 30 minutes for now...but it doesn't seem like he trains so much...and he's quite a creep.... Then there is the 'class-B-big-sister' Kendo... 'big fist'.... Could be useful sometimes....

And this guy... Hitoshi Shinsou... Quirk:'Brainwashing' damn that's incredibil! Bad childhood...'Villain-quirk'.... Why didn't he turned evil? He'd be perfect for that job! Well, I'll find a way to bring him to our side... As well as I'll find a way for Shoto...' he thought.

A door knock brought him out of his thoughts. "Come in." Dabi entered his room. "What's up, Dabi? Love problems?" he giggled. Dabi's head turned light red and glared him evilly. "Haha so funny but no. How about you?" he asked. "Nah, I don't really have a lovelive. Anyways, what brings you here?" he sighed.

"You need to help me train my quirk." "Meet me in five minutes, trainingsroom 2." Dabi nodded and headed to the trainingsroom 2. Deku sighed. 'Guess I need to help Dabi now....' he got up, changed his clothes and headed as well to the trainingsroom 2.

-After almost 2 hours-

"Okay Dabi... You got better but you still depend on your quirk to much... Other than that your quirk got better as well... I know it's something you don't like but... Is your quirk still destroying your skin? Like before?" Deku asked serious.

Dabi looked sad at his scars and rubbed a bit over it with his hand. "Well it doesn't destroy so much anymore but still..."

"I'm sorry but this is why you need to fight without a quirk." Dabi looked at Deku. 'He isn't wrong but still... How does dad or Shoto do this? Well Shoto has still his ice... But dad..' he thought.

"Anyways.. Let's take a quick shower (again) and then have dinner it's almost 8." Deku said.

-At dinner-

"Kurogiri, do you have any other information about class B? There weren't really showed their technics." Deku asked.

"Till now I don't. But no worries as soon as I get these information your one of the first persons who'll know." Kurogiri replied. "Thanks. Oh, Toga I think I might know your time limit of you being transformt."

"What really? How long?" she asked excited. "Well one cup so 200ml blood are about one day so 1.4l are a week normaly. I analyzed those information and my line is your limit will be when you drink 1l you'll be able because of your training to transform to that person for almost three weeks. If you only get a drop of blood you'll be able to transform for about one an half hour." he explained.

"Cool.... but just say once again but easier to understand... please?" She laughed. Dabi sighed. "It means if you only get a drop of blood you can transform for c.a. one an half hour. If you get a cup one day and for a week seven cups." he Dabi replied.

"Thanks." she smiled cocky in the round. "Anyways..." Shigaraki started. "In a month is the UA-sports-festival are there any things you need? And who gets them if so?" He asked.

"I'll need a wig and more notebooks and a video-camara if we don't have one. I'll get them by myself." Deku said. "How many notebooks do you even-" "About 70." Deku interrupted.

"And which hero is missing in those?" Shigaraki asked. "Well I actually got every hero including class 1A, our league and Stain. But I also need notebooks for the armors we need. Also I often rework those notebooks to A have every weakness or whatever from a hero in my head. And B to find mistakes or things I didn't really paid attention to. Besides I found out that the bloody-red eye of mine-"

removed eyepatch to show it

"-shows as expected the rage and anger of mine but also allows me to puch my limit further than others. Short it makes me a bit stronger." Everyone went silent.

"Wow, nice power. But why is everybody so quiet? It is good that Deku kann push his limit further, isn't it?" Toga sounded in the last part really unsure.

"It is. But normally if you get something really powerful you have to pay a price. And we don't know what this price is yet..." Dabi explained.

After dinner annonced Deku that he'll go tomorrow to the store and buy his stuff and asked if somebody needs anything. After that Deku decided to take a walk and Dabi, Toga and his halfbrother Shigaraki came with him.

On the walk:

"Wow, I haven't seen these beautiful stars in a while now." muttered Toga satisfied and closed her eyes. "Yeah I agree..." Dabi said lost in thoughts looking in the sky.

"Did you know that sometimes you can look in the future..." Deku sighed. "I know a perfect place where we can see them better! Come!" Toga cheered and made a handmovement to follow her.

The three look at eachother, nodded and followed Toga. As they arrived at the place they had an amazing view of the sea of stars. "Wow, that looks so nice! How did you find this place?" Dabi questioned.

"If I needed a timeout for a while, I came here." She explained. Deku and Shigaraki just looked at the amazing view. "Hey, I wanna try looking in the future! Whose should I read?" Deku exclaimed.

"Mine! Please mine Deku!!" Toga begged. "Okay. But first I need your star sign." "I'm lion!" she answers quickly. "Hmmmm... Okay..." he looked at the stars again. "What do you wanna know? Lovelive? Next kill?" he asked. "I wanna know..." she whispers something in his ear.

He giggled. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah! So when will it happen?" she asked now even more excited. He whispered the answer in her ear she lightly blushed and said. "Yay thanks Deku!!"

-Later in the evening back at the bar-

"Night everybody! Don't forget to buy tickets tomorrow, Deku!" Dabi shouted. "I won't, night~" Deku replied sleepy. After twenty minutes was everyone asleep except for Dabi. "Sportfestivall, huh? Can't really remeber when I had to take part there..." he mumbles to himself at the roof top looking at the stars.

"We'll see us soon brother I promise." he said in serious ton.

A/N: Sorry for the late update... It might take longer for the next chapter to appear. So I'm not sure when I'll update...


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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