Chapter One: Hiding In Hufflepuff

Start from the beginning

At least we only have this lesson left today.

"So, how's your day so far?" Cedric asks, sending me back to reality as we walk through the doorway of the classroom.

"It's alright I suppose," I reply as Cedric pulls my seat out for me, something he always makes sure to do. "Thank you," I nod to him with a smile as he sits down in the seat next to me.

"Of course," he says with a cheeky wink.

I let out a sigh and avert my eyes to the professor at the front of the room. Pomona Sprout. My grandmother, if you can even call her that. She acts more like my mother than anything. And even though there is no blood relation, being that I was merely adopted by her, people never fail to tell me how much I act like the witch.

I guess that means I'm doing something right.

She's trained me my entire life to act like the perfect little Hufflepuff Princess she's always wanted. So that's exactly what I've become, on the outside anyways. Though she can be rather overbearing, I am grateful to her for everything she has done for me. She's the only family I have, other than Cedric and the golden trio of course. I would never take her for granted.

As I gaze upon her, waiting for the lesson to begin, I can't help but let my eyes flicker to the stream of green spreading into the room.

The Slytherins.

Why they are even taking herbology, I have no clue. It's not very Slytherin of a lesson to take. Even so, I yearn to be with them. In the house that I rightfully belong in. A house that screams for me every time I pass near it. A house in which I could actually be myself, without being judged or ridiculed for it.

My eyes trail along the group of emerald clad wizards filing into the room silently, until finally landing on the leader of the convoy. The Slytherin Prince himself.

Draco Malfoy.

His white-blonde hair as neat as ever on top of his entitled little head. Everything about him screams Slytherin. He's about as powerful as it gets at this school. Other than Potter, of course.

Traipsing along behind him like the little leach she is, is Pansy Pugface Parkinson. She stays stuck to Draco at all times, always desperately begging for an ounce of his attention. Just the mere sight of her makes my blood boil. Seeing her wrapped around Draco only makes it worse. Right as I'm about to look away from the sickening display, my gaze catches on someone else's.

I feel Draco's stone-cold, grey eyes piercing into me as a sneer finds its way to his lips.

Almost immediately I snap my gaze from his, turning back to face Cedric, who is pleased with receiving my attention. I feel heated embarrassment flood through my entire body as I stare up at the sandy-haired Hufflepuff beside me.

As Cedric begins talking to me about what he has planned for us over our summer break, the uneasiness in my body begins to settle.

But I still can't seem to shake the feeling of someone's eyes burning into me throughout the remainder of the lesson.

Which means I am more than elated when we are finally dismissed. My mood falters once more as Cedric and I walk up to my grandmother. She asks me how my day is, how my other lessons are going. And, as always, asks Cedric when he's going to propose.

I slip out of there as fast as I can, pulling Cedric by his robe sleeve. As we enter the bustling hallway I have to try harder than usual to cover the sneer trying to spread across my lips as wizards and witches from all houses bump into me.

The walk with Cedric becomes even more hectic as he begins begging me for my permission about something ignorant.

"Cedric, for the last time. No, you cannot turn Ron Weasley into a worm," I groan, as we enter the doors of the Hufflepuff common room, which is eerily quiet today.

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