sunday chapter 5

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Lana's POV

It's sunday so I'm going home back to L.A. my mom drove me&karla to the airport

"Bye mom! I'll call you tonight!" I beam

"Okay i love you honey! I wanna meet river next time!!" She beams

"Love you too!! And I'll see" i say as we enter our terminal

《On the plane》

Karla fell asleep so I'm listening to music on my phone while reading "falling for my bestfriend"

[ the words of everyone reading this GET TOGETHER ALREADY JEEZ!!!!] i think to myself

"Are you okay?" Karla asks

"Huh? Yeah why?" I ask

"Because you were mouthing something" she says smiling

"Oh yeah just got to into my story" i say smiling

She nods and falls back to sleep


We finally land in L.A. we grab a town car and head to river's place

"Welcome home karla&lana!" Everyone beams

We smile "thank you everyone!" We beam

We unpack and change into our pjs i head downstairs and see river i jump on his back he catches me and smiles

"HEY BABE!" i scream

He laughs "HI LOVE!" he beams

I giggle "we are idiots aren't we?" I ask

"Eh who cares?" He asks

"Point taken sir and shit forgot to call mom and tell her we landed safely" i say getting off his back

"Hello?" My mom asks

"Hey mom! We landed safely!" I beam

"Great honey! Is river with you?" She asks

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Hand him the phone" she says

"Okay" i say handing him the phone "good luck" i whisper he chuckles

"Hello mrs love how are you??" He asks

"Hi honey! I'm good and yourself?" She asks

"Great now that my princess is back" he says smiling

She smiles "awwww i wanna meet you next time lana comes to visit!" She beams

"Okay when's that?" He asks

"How about dinner next weekend?" Mom asks

"Sounds good I'll talk to lana and we will get back with you" he says smiling

"Great! Talk to you soon bye!" She hangs up

He hands me my phone back

"That wasn't so bad she seems so sweet!" He beams

I scoff "oh just wait until next weekend you'll get interrogated so make sure you prepare"

He laughs "your joking right?"

I shake my head no

"What your serious? Don't play with me babe" he says

"I'm dead serious ask karla!" I beam

"It's true she's a scary woman when she's angry" karla chimes in

"She can't be that bad right?" He asks

Karla&i give him a look that says "oh yes she is"

He sighs "I've got studing to do" he says going upstairs

I laugh "yes yes you do"

A/N: see you in the next one!

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