Chapter 1: Naruto Hatake

Start from the beginning

Sakura wears a red qipao dress with short sleeves, slits along the sides accompanied by a zipper, and white circular designs. She also wears tight dark green bike shorts with a shuriken holster around her right thigh, blue sandals, and a red clothed Konoha hitai-ate worn as a hairband. Natural pink hair, and green eyes.

Kushina says, "Monkey-chan you're last."

Konohamaru says,"My name ain't Monkey-chan, it's Konohamaru Sarutobi, grandson of the Sandaime Hokage. I like monkeys, and Hinata-chan. I dislike the Teme. My hobby is also training. My dream is to be the best Hokage ever."

Konohamaru wears a long blue scarf. His outfit consists of a grey/black zip-up jacket, dark grey pants, sandals, and bandages around both his arms. His black clothed Konoha hitai-ate is on his forehead, with his spiky brown hair, forming chin-length bangs. He also has blue eyes.

Kushina then says, "Tomorrow we'll have a test. If you pass, you officially be Genin. Meet me in the morning, at Training Ground 7." She then disappears in a Shunshin.

Naruto looks at his teammates, and asks, "What to get some food? I'll pay for some ramen."

Sakura replies, "Ramen, uhg. It's so unhealthy."

Naruto says, "And so is the diet you are on. What about you Konohamaru, wanna get some ramen?"

Konohamaru says, "I'll get some ramen with you, but I'd like a spar. Kenjutsu v Bojutsu. What do you think?"

Naruto says, "You are so on. Sakura last chance, wanna get some ramen? We'll even plan on how to pass the test, while we are there."

Sakura reluctantly agrees. She didn't mind ramen, the natural pinkette liked ramen. It was her diet that stopped her from eating it.

When they got to Ichiraku's they saw the Minato Namikaze, and his son, Menma. Minato wears a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green , blue clothed Konoha hitai-ate, and blue shinobi sandals.

While Menma wears an orange and blue jacket with a white collar, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, and a red Uzumaki crest on the back. He also wore orange pants with a shuriken holster on his right knee, and blue sandals. On the eight year old's forehead is a pair of green goggles.

Naruto asks, "Hey Minato, Menma, how are you?"

Menma says, "I'm going to beat you, and be the strongest Shinobi ever."

Naruto chuckles, and he gives the blonde eye-smiles. He says, "You'd actually have to beat my Jiji, he's the Yondaime Hokage, and the strongest Shinobi in the whole village."

This is when Teuchi comes to counter of the ramen stand. Teuchi asks, "Hey Gaki, you want the usual? Also what do your friends want?"

Naruto says, "I sure do Gramps. Konohamaru, Sakura, tell the man what you want. I'm paying?"

Sakura says, "I'll take what Naruto-kun is having."

Konohamaru says, "A large bowl of Miso Ramen."

Teuchi says, "Three large bowls of Miso Ramen coming up. So Gaki, who's your sensei?"

Naruto says, "Baa-chan's our sensei."

Minato says, "Kushina-tsuma is your Sensei."

Naruto nods, and eye-smiles.

After eating, they went to a training ground. Naruto is standing his White Light Chakra Sabre. While Konohamaru is holding a monkey summon, Henged into a bo-staff. The Hatake, and Sarutobi stand there in their respective stances. Waiting for Sakura to start the spar. Sakura then says, "Hajime!" jumping away from the two.

Naruto stands there, as Konohamaru rushes towards the Hatake. Aiming for the silver-haired boy's head, Konohamaru thrusts the bo-staff. Naruto backflips to avoid the thrust. As the Hatake lands on his feet, Konohamaru sweeps the staff towards Naruto. Who just jumps over the staff.

Naruto thinking it was high time to go on the offencive, rushes Konohamaru. Jumping into the air, Naruto flips forward slashing the tanto. Konohamaru not reacting fast enough gets a shallow cut from the shoulder to the waist.

Konohamaru thrusts the staff at Naruto's stomach. As Naruto flips away, the staff extends enough for Naruto to just barely getting hit.

After a couple hours, Konohamaru's staff dispels in a puff of smoke, turning back into a monkey. Who also dispels into a puff of smoke. Which meant Naruto has won the spar. Sakura says, "Naruto wins."

Naruto sheaths his tanto, and pulls a book from his weapon pouch on his waist, that at one point it's cover was orange, now it's a blank red. Signifying that it is Icha Icha, with a cover on it so no one would think of him as a pervert. Icha Icha was a present from his father, Kakashi, when he graduated from the Academy.

It is now time to plan how they'd pass the test. If it was his father doing the test it would easy. It would be the Bell Test. A test that started with the Sandaime giving it to the Legendary Sannin when they were Genin. Then Jiraiya gave the test to his team which included Minato Namikaze. Next to give the test, was Minato Namikaze. Who gave the test to his team which included Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara (Alive, Ex Konoha Jounin, Married to Obito, Mother of one), and Obito Uchiha (Alive, Konoha Jounin, Personal trainer of Menma, Married to Rin Nohara, Father of one). Kakashi will then probably give it to Sasuke, just to test the Uchiha's skill. Kakashi has given the test to his former teams, and every one of them failed the test.

But, Naruto had no idea what kind of test Kushina would give them. So the three of them planned for everything. For every type of test they could think of. After hours of making the plan, they all went home. With Naruto still having the red book in his hand, and putting it back before he got home so his mother wouldn't see it. He didn't want to see his mother's wrath brought upon the Hatake males. 

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