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In July 5th, 2013. Nuclear war was unleashed upon Earth, killing millions of people in progress... City of Moscow was no exception to this atomic apocalypse when numerous nuclear warheads hit the city, turning it into a living hell where death and chaos feasted over thousands of innocent people leaving only dead and scorched bodies in the end...

Those, who were lucky to survive this onslaught took shelter beneath the surface - Moscow Metropolitan System. Those cold tunnels of hardened steel and cement saved the remnants of mankind from radiation that now reigned over the earth, leaving only destruction in it's path... Those who were strong and capable enough to adapt to this new irradiated environment soon felt wrath of Mother Nature. Once harmless animals quickly mutated into bloodthirsty mutants, dangerous predators driven by madness and rage seeking to destroy their former masters, their rulers who due to their arrogant and irresponsible behavior lead them to feel disastrous consequences... Those mutants quickly become a major threat to survivors... Now regrouped citizens of Moscow took this threat seriously... Prominent figures in Metro quickly realized that they need to unite everyone under one banner if they want to stand a chance against an upcoming invasion of mutants... If they want to survive. Those, who were well respected and appreciated among the survivors quickly announced a creation of organization that will be responsible for preservation of mankind and prosperity - Central Metro Command. Representatives of this faction swiftly took the control of whole Metro system, driven by good intentions, organization started to rule over the survivors... In hope that one day... They will be able to get back on the surface once again and start a new, better world.

Unfortunately, years passed and leaders changed, corruption started to destroy a once great organization from the inside. Now, established metro dwellers watch in horror how those prominent leaders they once trusted now are at each other throats, driven by their own perverse and selfish ambitions... The age of peace and prosperity is over. Central Metro Command crumbled making whole Metro system fall back into the chaos.

Fall of Central Metro Command gave birth to many ideologies, alliances that can be seen today in the metro. Weaker stations started to allign themselves to their stronger neighbors in promises for safety and manpower against dangerous mutants and marauding bandits that lurks in the shadows, waiting for a chance to attack. New smaller organizations, factions started to arise from the ashes of their former rulers: Polis, Hanseatic League, Red Line and many more driven by different visions of how Metro should be ruled...

20 years has passed since the bombs fell upon the city of Moscow and this is stories of Metro.


Well. This is it for now folks. 
I  wish to hear some feedback about this chapter/prologue in hope that you liked it :D
And once again... A reminder.
If you have any tips/suggestions how to make this better... Please inform me :D As a newbie writer I really want to make my stories to be flawless so I appeal to you, my dear reader... Read this story, note things that you did or did not like and write me a private message pointing them out. It ain't gonna take longer than 5-10 minutes. Heck, you might think it won't make much of a difference, but I will really appreciate and take it into serious consideration and maybe on my next entry you'll see that I have improved :D

P.S Yes, I know it's a Stalker song D: But you can't say that it didn't put ya in the mood.

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