Part 1

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If you ever get superpowers you may come to believe that it is a blessing, it isn't. Superpowers are a loaded gun, you get great power and you can do whatever you want with it, but, a spark of anger or misuse and you might find yourself with blood on your hands. Or at least that's what an edgy teenager would say. Superpowers are just like any new invention, I don't know what you're gonna do with them! Unless I'm psychic, that is.

I woke up in a cold sweat, my pants were soaked and my shirt clung to me like an ex who never really got over me(*cough* Jenna *cough*). It was, like always, a nightmare, either too much melatonin or stress, they were coming back to me, like said ex from before. This particularly vilifying dream had taken me to my lunchroom. In this dream I was on the floor covered in my own blood, having had the shit beat out of me for bumping into someone. It was a recurring dream, emphasis on was, that my therapist said was just normal and had no significance. My phone let out a barrage of noise as my inbox was flooded by messages, most along the lines of "Oi lightbulb, get on Valsong.". Reluctantly I started up my computer and booted up Valsong, my favorite MMORPG, and looked at my party invites. Of course, ira had invited me to fight some water boss at 2:00 Am with hope and jay which was annoying but, why not play now that I had gotten up? The mouse clicked and the computer dinged when I pressed to accept, then I was transported to the party's main cluster. We were surrounded by green plants and swamps, the air was humid and made everything become sticky, I looked at ira as he looked into my eyes, he spoke first. We talked as we walked.

"lightbulb, we were waiting for you."

"Ah yes, the age-old strategy, wait for the cannon fodder."

Jason spoke up "You're not cannon fodder, you know that."

"Yeah yeah I know I know I'm a 'Non-specialist.' Jason."

Madero chipped in "Link You're as valuable as the rest of us."

"Sounds a lot like my last or-"

Hope interrupted me "Link! Language!" She jested, she swore all the time.

"Orphanage party is what I was going to say, although I bullied the kids at that...doesn't matter, who are they going to tell? their parents?"

Jason Spoke again "Link, please, shut up for now."

I took the comment with a bit too much poison and shut up a bit too much. 

We arrived at the place of the water boss was supposed to be.

Jason: "Where is it?" He said, talking into the empty air.

Ira: "I sense's in the water...IT IS THE-" 

I smiled in delight as I saw Ira get knocked into the air by a fist of water that had appeared from the water below them. I wasn't smiling because it was Ira I was smiling because it was funny... is that bad?

Madero: "Ira!- Oh there goes are one psychic!"

Me: "He can respawn...tomorrow"  Valsong had an R6 like respawn system but worse, It took a whole day to respawn.

Jason: "We can still do it! just gotta play it smartly!." Jason smiled and watched as the water boss rose from the depths and formed, a large vortex of water in humanoid form. He cast a fireball spell at the boss but it did little. He then shot himself IRL and we all did the same. Gotta play the game. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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