Chapter 7

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And that's how we ended up at Mercia's house at 3 in the morning. I'm sorry. Not a house, a mansion.

As much as I believe it would've been better to go the hospital, we were simply too drunk and too under 21.

Mercia, bless her soul, simply didn't care. She just gave Scott some painkillers, and promised to take him to the hospital the next day.

And once he stopped whining and complaining, and we stopped giggling, we sat down in the kitchen to continue the history/mythology lesson.

"You have proof than Gods are real."

"Gods, Hybrids, the Supernatural and everything other-worldly." Elijah smirked.

"How is this relevant to me?" I asked, already exhausted.

"Patience, little bird!" Levi exclaimed. "We haven't gotten to the best part yet!"

"There's more to this?" I sighed.

"Yes. Now shut up." Scott growled. Looks like he was still being prissy about earlier.

"Dick." I muttered.

He looked at me like I'm crazy, which, to be fair, I probably am.

Sensing an argument coming, Elijah and his peace-loving soul continued explaining. "A couple centuries ago, the Gods stopped interacting with humans. It could be because of how predictable and self-destructive they are."

"To protect humans, the children of Gods formed an army of sorts. Over the centuries it was given many names. We call it The Phoenix." Levi said.

"An army? There's an enemy?" I asked, feeling stupid. Is this how normal people feel in school?

"Monsters mainly. There's an encyclopedia with the entries of all the different types of them here. I'll ask Mercia if you can take it." Scott muttered.

"Monsters. Epic." I sighed. Why am I even surprised at this point? "Are you a part of this army thing?"

"Yup. We're a few of the best. Sam, Mercia's husband, trained us before he died." Levi said, puffing his chest in pride.

"Speaking of which, how do I fit into this?" I asked, for the tenth time today.

"Right. The army has a council of Generals, who make all major decisions about what we do. They mainly make rules and stuff. Boring stuff." Levi said, rolling his eyes.

"Important stuff." Elijah said, glaring at Levi, who rolled his eyes. "They keep the peace between the humans and the Supernatural."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Scott said. "There are a few Generals in each country, depending on the size of it. A lot of people believe the Council doesn't have the best interest of humans in mind. Levi and I believe them. Elijah is unconvinced."

"The Council is made up of a bunch of old-fucks who think they know everything. These assholes are going to die in 5 years and we're going to be the ones cleaning their shit." Levi grumbled.

"They are veterans!" Elijah exclaimed. "And they're smart."

"Smart enough to know how to get what they want, that's for sure." Scott smirked. "All they want is more money and power. They think we're superior to humans and should rule everything. But they're wrong. We may be faster, stronger and smarter than them, but our duty is to protect them. Not dominate them."

"Stupid old-fuckers. Rot in hell." Levi muttered again.

"They sound horrible enough. So why do you support them?" I ask Elijah.

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