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"You know I love you right?" A deep voice was heard in the stillness of the night.

For a while there was silence, which was eerie in the empty desert.

"You don't have to do this. We can go back, no one has to know!" Another voice said, this one carried a hint of desperation.

"Enough Luisa! How could you say such a thing! This has been our dream since we were children. You and I, we made an oath, an oath to revolutionize the world, to change it for the better! To take down those old Councilmen! How could you forget that?" He whispered harshly.

"I didn't forget anything." Luisa spoke calmly. "But it would appear that you forgot the promise you made to me before putting this ring on my finger!" She said, lifting her left hand, showing him her glittering wedding ring.

"Have I not cherished you enough? Have I ever been unfaithful? Tell me Luisa, have I not loved you with every fiber of my being?" Lucas demanded.

"You don't listen to me!" Luisa snapped. "Everything is about you and that bloody-"

Luisa stopped abruptly. "Someone's coming." She whispered sharply.

Lucas swore softly. "I knew this was too easy!"

Drawing out her double-bladed Haladie sword, she whispered to Lucas, "Go. I'll handle this."

"I love you." His voiced heavy with emotions.

"Prove it." Saying this, she pulled him into a soft kiss, a kiss full of longing. "Promise me. Promise me you'll come back!" She murmured against his lips, her eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall.

"I will, for you." Lucas vowed, wiping her eyes, before slithering off into the darkness.

Luisa sighed, before steeling herself. Gone was her desperation, the only thing that remained was the instinct to protect, instinct to kill.

And kill she did.

From One-Eyed Cyclops to winged Manticores, every stab,  every cut, was done with grace and precision.

Until she killed them all.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion fall upon her, she fell to the hearth.

Before losing consciousness, she heard that someone whisper into her ears, "I'm sorry, Isa. I'll be back. For you!"

Before Luisa could even try to protest, she felt Lucas kiss her lovingly on her cheeks, before he left.

"No Lucas! Come back!" She whispered weakly. "I'm..pregnant..."

And then darkness.

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