Chapter 5

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"Can I come in?" Scott said.

I looked up from the book I was reading. "Might as well." I muttered.

"So Levi and Elijah told you." he stated.

"Pissed?" I said offhandedly, like it didn't matter.

"Relieved." he corrected. "But I'm sure you're confused."

"Not really. My father killed your teacher, my sister betrayed you. You didn't want that to happen again. You try to kill me." I shrugged.

"And you're not going to ask why your father killed Sam? How your sister betrayed us? Or do you think your father was a raving alcoholic and your sister leaked our nudes or something?" Scott said, amused.

"I don't see how it matters. I'm leaving this god-forsaken town the minute I'm out."

"In the middle of the school year?" 

"I gave my senior year finals along with my junior ones. Special permission from the School Board. The University of Cambridge accepted my application." I said, looking down.

"Ouch!" he smirked. "And how does your mother feel about you running off to England for  studying Veterinary Medicine?"

"I didn't apply anywhere else. She has no other choice but to accept."

"Feeling risky are we?" he smirked. "But I have this feeling, that if you got into Cambridge before even officially completing your senior year, getting into college wouldn't be hard. Especially considering that literally no one has even started submitting their applications yet."

"What do you want?" 

"I want you to ask the questions you want to ask." he said, all signs of amusement gone.

"Why? So you can figure out if I'm like the twin I never knew existed?"

"Partly." he shrugged. "But if it helps, your mother didn't know about Joan either."

"My mother didn't know that she gave birth to 2 kids?"

"Maybe if you listened to the whole truth you'd understand?" he bargained.

"And how badly will this 'whole truth' fuck my brain?" I said, ready to give in.

"To be perfectly honest, completely." he said seriously. "But you still need to know. Most of it is centered around you anyways. And you don't want to go into this without any information."

"And if I don't want to go into this?"

"Your father robbed you of that choice."


"Hey girl! Haven't heard from you since the lunch thing! Sorry about that by the way. I was just really pissed. But Ms. Khan is pretty suckish, so I kinda get it. Sorry I blew up! You didn't deserve that!" 

Scott never got to finish his story. He never even got to start it. Before he could, the doctor came in and cleared me for leaving. And then Mom dragged me home. Ever since then, his words have been circling around my head. It's quite inconvenient to be frank.

And now, I'm lying in my bed and talking to Stephanie and Tyler, who are also lying in my bed. They don't know about the whole after-school fiasco. And I really hope they never do. Tyler would cover Brent's and Axel's houses in firecrackers and Steph would light them up while laughing maniacally. 

"It's fine Steph. Levi got a little pissed, but nothing else happened." I tried to reassure her.

"That doesn't sound too good Lexi." Tyler said, looking worried.

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