Chapter 3

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Levi up above!

Sleeping was my favourite thing to do.

Not singing, not soccer, but sleeping.

It didn't have to be night-time. I could sleep anywhere. When Mom was cooking food, when I was watching TV, in the theatre, on the bleachers, you name a place, I've probably slept there.

So you can imagine, how annoyed and heartbroken I was, when I discovered that I was a light sleeper.

Even now, as I desperately try to get some sleep, there is this annoying beeping sound that makes me want to cry. And there is something poking my arm.

So I do the most logical thing any good sleep-lover does. I scream. Loud.

Does it stop the beeping? No. Does it make me feel better? Also no. Because now, not only is my head throbbing, but my throat is sore. 

"Alex!" Levi bursts in, with Scott and Elijah following suit.

Great. Now I've got my bullies with me as well.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks. He's standing at the foot of my bed. Levi is on the stool next to me and Elijah is standing at the door. He keeps looking outside the tiny window on the door.

"What's up with him?" I asked, nodding towards Elijah.

Levi looked over to Elijah and turned away quickly far too quickly, almost like he was embarrassed.

"I'm just looking for your Mum. She should've been here by now." Elijah replied, trying hard to not look shy.

Interesting. Scott locked eyes with me, and we both grinned widely.

"What?" Levi asked, sounding a little frantic.

"Don't worry about it." I said, still grinning. "You called my Mum?"

"Yeah," Scott said, smirking lightly. "Mercia called her about 15 minutes ago."


"Yeah," Elijah said, still looking outside. "This is her house."

"House? I thought I was at the hospital!" Who has an ECG machine in their house?

"Don't worry about that." Levi said. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need me to get the doctor?"

"She's fine." Scott replied for me. "I need to talk to you both outside."


"No, now." Scott demanded.

Levi glared at him for a bit, before finally nodding. Elijah looked distressed, but still followed Scott and Levi and shut the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts.

And  I had many thoughts. For one, why were they acting so kind? Like nothing ever happened? And what happened to the football team? There's no way they'll leave this alone. I'm sure they've already got some grand master plan hatched to kill me by now.

And what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to forget the past couple months, and pretend like my old friends didn't try their damned best to hurt me? And even if I do forget everything, how long will it be before they turn their backs on me again? Or am I being paranoid?

Should I file a legal case against Brent? Or should I put down my head and let it go? What's to say that he won't do this again, or hasn't done it before? But who am I to ruin someone else's future? He's 18. He would be sent to prison. Would he even get incarcerated? Or would he just walk away?

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