It's Possible If You Believe In Yourself

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5 Years Later...

Queen Cinderella POV

I walked down the hallway of the east wing towards the library. A smile graced my face seeing my 13 year old son Nicholas reading to his 5 year old sister Madison. I quietly sat in the chair behind the desk and listened.

"And they all lived happily ever after, the end." Nicholas said.

"Yay, that was a great story Nicky." Madison responds while clapping.

He chuckled and looked up with a smile which caused her to turn around as well.

"Mommy!" She exclaimed running into my arms for a hug.

"Hi baby girl, did you enjoy story time with Nick?" I asked.

She nods and shows me the book he had just finished, Sleeping Beauty. I giggled because she loves princess fairytales.

"Is lunch almost ready, I'm starving?" He inquired while rubbing his stomach.

"Yes Nick, that's what I came to tell the two of you. Go wash your hands and head to the dining room please." I answered leaving the room.

"Now how is it that you get even more beautiful every time I see you?"

I turned around to see my adorable husband walking towards me with a huge grin on his face.

"Must you flirt with me every five seconds?" I questioned amused.

"Can't a man compliment his wife without getting the third degree? Seriously you look beautiful my queen." He replied kissing me.

"Thank you. How was your visit with the king of Maldonia?" I queried.

"You try talking to Naveen, it's like dealing with Nicholas. Thankfully Tiana kept him in line during our visit." He said walking with me to the dining room.

"No surprise that the American waitress as he calls her has him actually doing his job as the monarch. She's a good fit for him." I respond.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited my cousins to join us for lunch." He replied.

"Christopher, I know you want to just keep moving like the accident didn't happen but it did baby. We have to acknowledge that your parents are gone whether we want to or not." I said sympathetically.

"It's just easier for me as the king to keep our country unified. As their son however I want to break down and cry. A simple trip to Florence gone wrong." He responds shakily.

I pulled him into a warm hug because this news was just heard two days ago. The royal jet just went down without warning and killed King Maximillion, Queen Constantina and Lionel as well as the pilot. The whole world was sending sympathy our way. Just this morning I received a letter from Buckingham Palace which was handwritten by King George VI.

"I know you want to spare them the grief but we have to tell the children. Nick adored his grandparents as well as little Madi." I replied.

"You're right and then we can grieve this unfortunate loss together." He said as we entered the dining room.

Derrick, Eric, Calliope and Minerva bowed and curtsied when they saw us. Honestly I will never get used to that and it has been 14 years since I became a royal. We sat at the head of the table and they all took their seats waiting for the first course to be served.

"Chris, I am so sorry that you're going through this. If there is any way at all that I can help just ask." Derrick said.

"Thank you but I have it under control at the moment. How are all of you doing within your dukedoms?" Chris asked.

"I believe the people of Wilshire are happy to have a duchess around. Minerva has definitely kept the staff on their toes." Eric responds chuckling.

"I'm in the process of redecorating our home so I might be a little snippy at times. However I have been welcomed with open arms as Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Wilshire." Minerva replied smiling.

"I have been made quite aware that Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Davenport is favored amongst the people." Derrick said which made Calliope blush.

"That's great to hear and I wish you continued success on all fronts." I respond.

After we enjoyed lunch the children went out into the garden to play. Chris had retreated to his office near the throne room and I was currently in the library reading. A warm glow appeared and I smiled seeing my godmother sitting beside me.

"When you met me 14 years ago you didn't picture this. In fact you thought that a prince could never ever truly love you. Do you see why I told you to believe in yourself? Anything is possible Cinderella, even becoming a queen." She said.

"Thank you. No one believed in me the way you did after my father died." I replied.

"Sometimes courage can be the hardest thing to find but when you do nothing can stop you. I am so proud of the woman you have become and so is your father. He loves you baby and so do I, never forget that. It's time for me to go but I will always be there when you need me." She responds hugging me tight.

"I will miss you Godmother." I said fighting back tears.

"I know, I will miss you too. This isn't goodbye Cinderella, it's until we meet again." She replied and then disappeared.

A Couple Weeks Later.....

King Christopher POV

I stared out of the window of my office at a loss for words. The state funeral and burial was over yet I was still very much in pain. Cinderella and the children are up in the mountains to continue our private grieving. The only reason I was not currently with them is because there were meetings with the prime minister and other monarchs that could not be postponed. I sighed and picked up the crown before placing it on my head. Looking into the mirror I didn't see myself as Christopher, all I could see was the king. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, truer words have never been spoken.

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