The Budding Romance

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Duke Derrick POV

Tonight Calliope and I are going dancing. I was kind of nervous. I haven't been out with a lady in quite some time. I picked up my suit and got dressed.

Heading downstairs to my carriage I set off for her home. Upon arrival I could the beautiful estate. I approached the door ringing the bell.

"Hello you must be Derrick. I'm Vivian, Calliope's mother. Please come in, she's just finishing." Her mother said answering the door.

"Thank you Vivian. You have a lovely home." I said politely.

After brief conversation my lady entered the living room. She was absolutely breathtaking.

"Hello Derrick, you look handsome." Calliope stated.

"Thank you and you look beautiful my lady." I said as she giggled.

We let the house and headed into the village. We arrived at The Silver Fox and headed up the stairs to find a table. We ordered wine and conversed briefly before I asked her to dance with me. 

"You are quite the graceful dancer." She praised.

"Why thank you, you're not so bad yourself. So tell me what's the funniest thing you've ever done?"

"Probably when we were at the carnival as children and I laughed so hard milk flew out my nose right on to Minerva's shirt. She screamed and ran around looking like a silly goose. As I continued laughing the more it came out. Mother was furious because I embarrassed her." She said trying to control her giggles.

"I have to admit that would be quite funny. The funniest thing I ever did was dye Eric's hair bright pink the day before school started. He woke up the next morning looking like a unicorn. Uncle Max was so mad I got grounded for a week but it was worth it." I said.

"That's awful but hilarious. You must be the oldest then?" She inquired giggling.

"I am the oldest by 5 minutes. He hates being the youngest because he says I'm immature but I'm actually very responsible I just like to have fun. His idea of fun is reading poetry books or going to plays."

"Minerva is the same way but I love my sister no matter how boring she is sometimes." She said as we continued to dance.

We spent another few hours at the club before I took her back home. Didn't want to keep her out too late on our first date. After lengthy goodbyes and sweet kiss placed upon my cheek I had returned to the palace.

"So how did it go?" Christopher asked.

"It went well she's a sweet girl once you get passed her unique laughter. I will be going out with her again soon." I said.

"Well I am happy for you. Everyone deserves a shot at real love. Any chance she may be your duchess?" He queried.

"I think its a little soon to be saying she's my duchess it was only our first date but you never know what the future holds." I said with a smile.

This was a great night for me and hopefully there will be many more to come. Although I wondering if Eric has gone out with her sister yet.

Duke Eric POV

Minerva and I are going out on our first date. I'm taking her to The Golden Boar, a poetry club. I figured since she likes reciting them we should go. Upon arrival we dawned are masks and gave the guard the password. The beautiful candlelight provided the perfect atmosphere for what is to take place in just a few minutes.

We listened to the poets recite about love and world events. There were dark poems and ones about redemption. Finally it was my turn to speak and I hope that Minerva likes it because its about us.

"What sound was that?

I turn away, into the shaking room.

What was that sound that came in on the dark?
What is this maze of light it leaves us in?
What is this stance we take,
To turn away and then turn back?
What did we hear?

It was the breath we took when we first met.

Listen. It is here." I finished the poem and received snaps in approval.

"Our next reader is new here but I want you all to make her feel at home. Please show your love for Minerva." The host spoke as she took the stage.

"I'm kind of nervous so bare with me please." She said shyly.

"Its alright dear take your time." The audience responds making her smile.

"My desire

is always the same; wherever Life
deposits me:
I want to stick my toe
& soon my whole body
into the water.
I want to shake out a fat broom
& sweep dried leaves
bruised blossoms
dead insects
& dust.
I want to grow
It seems impossible that desire
can sometimes transform into devotion;
but this has happened.
And that is how I've survived:
how the hole
I carefully tended
in the garden of my heart
grew a heart
to fill it." 

She finished the poem and the room was silent. Everyone was wiping their eyes. She departed the stage smiling brightly.

"That was lovely my dear. Are you ready to go?" I inquired.

"Yes I think I should my night on a high note." She replied.

We returned to her home and I bid her a goodnight with a kiss on her cheek. Seeing her smile as she walked into the house was enough for me. I have to say this is one of the best nights I have ever had.

Hey my loves,

I apologize for taking so long to write a new chapter. I've been very busy dealing with my personal life. I hope you forgive me. 

Anyways did you like this chapter? Do you think the dukes are going to make theses stepsisters into duchesses? What do you think Cinderella will think of that? Will Vivian be happy about it? 

Who knows? Well I do but I can't tell you what's to come or you won't read my book lol.

Anyways I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and I can't wait to write the next part.

Oh by the way my birthday is on Friday so I may write something a little special for Katherine and Kevin so be on the lookout for that. Send me well wishes if you like in the comments or my messages (its not required but greatly appreciated and no I won't tell you my age lol).

Until Next Time..........

-Queen Liv

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