Chapter 10: The First Sincerity

Start from the beginning

Was Yuto right? Was he too cold toward Mirai? It was not that he purposely ignored her, well only a bit. He was always asking an update about her progress, right? Wasn't it enough? He knew well what she did. He would always provide the help she needed. Only he did not do it directly. But wasn't it enough?

He raised a brow when noticing that the light in the library was still on. Who could be in there on this hour? He carefully turned the knob and peeped inside. Just when he spotted a figure, he let out a big sigh.

"Apparently it is not enough," he muttered to himself, answering the lingering question he had.

He saw Mirai had seemingly fallen asleep on the library couch.

He strode in silently, avoided making a noise. When he had been able to see her clearly, he realized that she was only clad in her night robe while her coat hanging on the couch.

How can a lady be so careless?

He knew from her profile report that she was not quite a lady, instead living in boyish style. But still, she was his wife now. She should have realized to behave properly. Moreover, dangers were lurking everywhere. A little carelessness might cost her life. Where was Miru? Wasn't she in charge of her lady? Wasn't she always with Mirai?


Mirai must be sneak out from her chamber, he concluded.

Ryosuke eyed the books laid on the table. He read the tittles and frowned, 'She is learning about the royal family's histories?'

He shifted his eyes to Mirai, 'Now what?'

He sighed in defeat.

He had no other choice. There was no way he could just walk away and leave her in that state. She has been a part of your life, after all. He sensed Yuto smirked in his mind.

Carrying Mirai back to her chamber, he realized something. Mirai felt lighter than the last time he could remember. It had been only a month, how could she become so thinner? When he looked closer, he also noticed the black circle under her eyes. She had been sleeping properly, hadn't she? He grimaced inside. How troublesome!

He saw a maid walking in the Eastern Wing and called her. Fortunately it was Miru. She gasped recognizing the person he carried.

"Lady Mirai! Forgive me for my negligence, Your Highness," she bowed low.

"Enough of it. Just open the door for me," Ryosuke instructed.

Miru hurriedly did as she was told. Ryosuke carried Mirai inside and laid her on the bed while Miru covered her with a blanket.

"Did you know she went to the library?"

"Forgive me, Your Highness. I did not know. I thought that Lady Mirai had been asleep."

So, she did sneak out.

"Is this happen often?" His voice was a bit higher than usual.

Miru's response was bowed lower than before.

"Does she eat properly?" He asked more.

"Lady Mirai sometimes skips her meal, but it become more often lately."

"How is about her sleep?"

"For that, we did notice that Lady Mirai has some difficulties to sleep during the last two weeks, Your Highness. She uses to have it when she is nervous."

Ryosuke repressed the urge to ruffle his hair in frustrating way. Instead he sighed.

"Tell her to meet me at the breakfast tomorrow." He ordered before leaving Mirai's chamber.

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