Chapter 42: I was promised cuddles :(

Start from the beginning

taehyung was sad to say goodbye to the dog but quickly got happy again when he remembered he had yeontan waiting for him at home.

The day isn't even halfway done, yet im already exhausted.

~Taehyungs focus~

"Jungkook, Im sorry for going away like that. I know it worried you and I should've at least told you"

I said as we walked back home. I heard him sigh as he continued looking forward.

" of course I was worried, but I shouldn't be so surprised. Just- don't do that again, okay?"


I turn my head and see jungkook smiling.

"Do you really have to go to the interview today?"

"if I want a job, yes."

I pouted as we approached our dorms.

" I was really hoping we could spend the rest of the day together!"

jungkook chuckled as he went into his room as I followed.

"Doing what exactly?"

//Author: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jungkook: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

taehyung: Wha-?

Jungkook: ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ //

"I dunno. Cuddling? I downloaded Frozen 2 yesterday and I wanna watch!!"

"well, how can I say no to that?"

"so you won't go!"

"hm...nah, I still have to go tae" Jungkook said while adjusting his tie that was part of the suit he changed into.

What kind of job is he doing anyway? Why's he getting all fancy for? I would ask but I don't care that much so.

I huff after realizing there's nothing I can do to stop him now.

Am I being selfish? yes.
Am I acting like a kid? Yes.
Am I being bratty? Defiantly.
Am I being annoying? Probably.

but do I care? No- actually, yes. I don't want jungkook to think im any of those things!!...even though I am.

jungkook turns to face me after getting fully ready and smiles fondly.

"When I come back in a couple of hours, we' ll order pizza and be very cuddly. Okay babe?"


I walk out of jungkookd room, walk into my room, splash my face with water, then slam into my bed. but not that aggresivly. I love my face too much for that...jeez I sound like jin now.

Jungkook has been calling me babe quite a lot now. I don't really know why, and I don't mind it, but just- jajeiwkfnejakaldnbrjsiakendnskakwkkefnsjkskenfnsjeja- ya know?

All this squealing is suprisingly tiring. Maybe I can fall asleep while I wait for jungkook?

I close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep. 'please be here when I wake up'

_ _ _ _ _ _

I groan as I slowly open my eyes. I sit up, not entirely awake as I stare at my lap. Where the heck am I? I look around and see- my room.

Where did I think I would be? Gosh, I could be so stupid sometimes. Did I really think jungkook would come pick me up and lay me on his bed while he smothers me in kisses?

oh ya jungkook! is he back?

just then I hear knocking. I run up and open the door with a joyful smile on my face.

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