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My life isnt the best to say the least, but isnt that how everybody is, doesn't everybody's story starts with them being depressed? Well not mine. I started off dating short Asian boy named nate, he was very manipulative and would rarely talk to me. He called me once randomly and broke up with me, I kinda wandered around looking for somebody to love.

My fear of rejection is so horrible I can barely describe it, its a dreadful feeling of knowing the person you like and or love doesn't feel the same back. This story isnt about Nate, its about my one and only boyfriend and friends. This story was written specifically for Charlie and Belle. (Please dont mind my rambling its a bad habit, I'll try to edit it out for the best results)

but anyway rejection is basically a big black hole for me. I have to bring people to me and if they come naturally they usually end up being super close to me, ive known Belle since... 4th grade I believe if im correct. ive known Charlie for atleast 7 months but it seems like forever and I always lose track of time in my head. You'll find out that the way me and my soon to be boyfriend met is quite hilarious as Well as weird.

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