Zeref's POV

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I see Mavis, her blonde hair shining in the moonlight. She looks so frail and small, it almost makes me smile. She can't see me yet. And to be honest I'm happy about it. If Mavis saw me, all of this would be ruined.

I've loved Mavis my whole life, ever since I met her. I knew she was special. Her deep green eyes are watching Natsu and Lucy at the moment, Erza and Jellal...? I have no idea where they went.

All I know is they left to go somewhere. I smile as Mavis watches them closely, her mouth twitching into either a smile or a frown. Suddenly though without warning, her eyes quickly look over to me. I duck behind the building just before she sees me.

If she had seen me, this would be a disaster! She'd think I'd been stalking her... although I was. I look slowly around the corner of the building to see Mavis's sad face looking at the ground right near my feet. Her green eyes are filled with tears.

I feel my eyes widen and take a step forward. Then I just don't think. I start running towards her, and hop onto a ladder that climbs to a roof. I rush across the loose tiles of the roof, not exactly being silent and Run straight towards her.

"Mavis!" I call out, why is she crying?! Her head turns in surprise as she sees me running towards her, the loose tiles sliding under my feet.

"Mavis!" I call out again and she stands up quickly and takes a step backwards. The loose tiles beneath her feet making her slip and start plummeting towards the ground at incredible speed.

"Mavis!!" I yell out in shock, trying to reach out for her small hands. Please Mavis! Please! She's still falling as out hands are to far apart to reach. I don't think and dive off the building reaching for Mavis.

"Mavis! Grab onto me!"

"Zeref!" She cries out and clutches onto me. I wrap my arms, protectively around her and brace for the impact.

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