Levy's POV

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Had Gajeel really been talking about Lily when he had said adorable? I have no idea, but all I know is he's adorable when he's nervous. Nervous, I wonder why?

"Levy?" Gajeel calls out my name as he looks at the floor in embarrassment.

"Yeah?" I'm starting to feel my heart beat loudly and quickly again and I wish I could just place my hand over my heart to make it stop.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asks it out of the blue that it automatically makes my face flush with an embarrassing tomato red.

"W-why do you ask?" I'm being asked by the man I love if I've ever been in love?! Could things get any worse?

"Oh, I don't know... I was just wondering." He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the wall. He looks troubled, as if something is bothering him.

"Oh..." I swallow down the nervous feelings at being near him and just blurt out what I want to say. But before I can say anything Gajeel's deep voice thunders through the small room.

"I've been in love." I feel my jaw drop and jealously creep through my head and soul. Gajeel... he's been in love? I feel sadness slowly overflow my feelings and I sink to the floor in misery. So many feelings overwhelm me, jealously, sadness and most of all heartbreak. Heartbroken that I can never come between the girl he loves and their relationship.

"Why so down, shrimp?" He looks confused and I feel my mouth clamp shut before I say the wrong thing.

"It's nothing." I lie. This day was supposed to be fun, Mirajane was supposed to let us have fun. But if this is what it comes too, I don't want any part of this party. I rise to my feet and start to walk towards the door.

"Hey! Where ya goin?" Gajeel also jumps to his feet and places himself between the door and me.

"Please move." I say sadly. I'm in no mood for this. I just want to go home and cry. Let all the emotions pour out of me, like a watering pot.

"Why?! Where are ya goin?" He looks confused and maybe scared. I've never seen this look in Gajeel's eyes but it's probably for that girl he said he loved. It will never be for me, and that's what makes it hurt most.

"Levy, c'mon answer me." He's still blocking the door and I sigh.

"Who's the girl you love?" I stare him down and I can see his adam's apple bob up and down. He's thinking. Thinking whether it's a good idea to tell me or not. How could I be so stupid!? I start to push past him when he calls out to me, grabbing me by the wrist. I face away from him, unable to turn around and face him.

"The girl I love... she's... it's.." He seems unable to answer so I try to rip my wrist from his grasp, but he only clings tighter.

"Let me go Gajeel!" I start to struggle more and he pushes me against the wall, making it impossible to escape. His hands are placed beside my head, blocking any chance of escaping without running into his muscular body.

"Gajeel!" I push at his arms, but he only locks them into place and stares down at me.

"Levy, please listen to me."

"No! Let me go!"

"Please. Levy...." I keep squirming, no! I won't listen to him! He has another girl he loves. He doesn't need me to distract him. Just as I feel as if I'm almost free, Gajeel leans over and plants a kiss onto my lips. I freeze, feeling the brush of his lips on mine, sending shivers down my spine and up again. He pulls away, his face surprised but almost happy. I can feel my face heating up. I try to hide it, but Gajeel only smiles wider.

"Levy. The girl I love is you." Everything seems to stop. As I stand in Gajeel's arms, I feel my heart fill with happiness and a pure pleasure.

"Is it true?" I ask, unable to trust his words.

"Every bit of it, shrimp." He teases. Gajeel, the man I love.. he loves me back!

"I love you too." I say it shyly, unable to meet his gaze that seems to never waver from my face. His face becomes surprised and then softens into a look I had never seen from Gajeel.

"You don't know how long I had been waiting for this." And then he leans over and kisses me again. Gajeel, his arms around me and his body pressed close to mine while we kiss. I've waited to, Gajeel. We've both waited to long.

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