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'But I don't feel like going up there again,' I moaned, it always worked. BadBoyHalo just rolled his eyes. 'Awww Skeppy, are you scared?' Bad asked with either mock or real emotion, I couldn't really tell. 'N-no, I just don't feel like going!' 

'Well I'm going...' Bad turned and started building up the side of the ravine with cobblestone. 

'No don't leave me by myself!' I protested, then regretted saying that. Bad stopped and looked at me. 'I-It's not safe here...' I tried to redeem myself hoping that it would work. BadBoyHalo looked sympathetic, which was good. 

'Fine, you muffin... I'll go with you to the surface...' I grinned and we began mining a staircase upwards. 


'... and they didn't even bother asking where I was...' I thought, with bitterness, as I heard them laughing together in the distance, without me. I turned away and tried to control all the emotions that I was feeling. But I couldn't block out the fact that I was forgotten. I was left to be an outcast, by the people who I thought were my friends. They were just like the others...

I began mining a staircase upwards in the opposite direction so that I wouldn't have to see their faces. That would make matters worse. I gritted my teeth. Sweet revenge.


We finally reached the surface, and I was glad. We had been down mining for a week in Minecraft and the fresh air was what I needed. Skeppy suddenly shouted, startling me.

'Look, Bad... It's a flower forest! It's even more cool in real Minecraft!' I skipped after Skeppy who was already ahead of me by far. It was so... peaceful... I had never been anywhere that was this serene. 

I suddenly saw beautiful flower the colour of Skeppy's skin and I had to give it to him! I thought it was a cornflower, but I wasn't too sure. I broke it and placed it in the corner of my inventory to give to him later.


I was wondering through the flower forest, admiring the pretty scenery when I realised that Bad wasn't behind me. I shrugged and carried on, but it also made me think of how much he's done for me, that I never returned back. All the times he helped me with stress and my problems. I have to get him something.

That's when my eyes caught a red tulip, planted on the ground. I took a deep breath in and laughed to myself. It wasn't much, but it showed my gratitude. I took it and tried to empty my inventory to find space for Bad's tulip. I threw out some spider eyes and turned back to find Bad. 


It wasn't long till I was back at surface. The sun shined brightly and I tried to adjust to the change of environment. The air smelled of fresh flowers and grass, which made me cringe. I used a map to find my way back to the house, and prayed that I'd make it first. Luckily, they were staircasing the opposite direction, so I'd reach first no matter what. 

Time to put my plan into action. Now, time to find BadBoyHalo's golden helmet...

Thank you for reading part 6 of ~Far From Home~ (The Trio)

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