Chapter 16

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After last night's event, Ruka had woken up the next morning with a weight off her chest. She felt better than ever and was ready to take on the world. She walked over to the window and basked in the early morning sunlight. Her ears were picking up the chatter and busyness of the city. The city was quite beautiful in the early morning. She was so attentive to the city, she hardly noticed when Minerva walked in. 

"Beautiful isn't it." Ruka looked towards her and nodded. "Good morning Minerva," she greeted, "And yes, it is quite beautiful." Minerva smiled at her and looked out the window as well. Minerva wasn't one to talk about her feelings or have time to make friends like other young adults did. She was one to simply follow orders her from her father. But Ruka, well she was an exception. "Get ready, we're leaving soon," she announced. Minerva patted her shoulder and started walking towards the door. She stopped however to look back and saw Ruka still staring out the window. She sighed, and placed her hand on her hip. "Ruka, did you hear me?" "Yeah." "Then what are you waiting for?" She shrugged. "You're thinking of him aren't you?" "I have no clue to what you're talking about." 

 Minerva rolled her eyes. "About Sting." "No I'm not." She turned around to face Minerva and smiled at her. "I'm truly not thinking of him Minerva, I promise." There was a moment of silence. "If you say so. I'll be waiting outside." She walked out the room, leaving Ruka to get dressed. Ruka rushed back towards the window, and opened it. She looked around until she spotted the blob of pink hair again. Natsu stood outside and saw that she had spotted him and waved. Ruka smiled as she saw Happy and Lucy with him too. Happy happily waved at her and Lucy did as well. She waved back and made of gesture that she had to go. She knew she couldn't keep Minerva waiting for too long. She closed the window and dug through her closet. 

After getting dressed, she walked back to her bed to wake up the sleeping exceed. "Juri~ Wake up~" The blue cat stirred and slowly started waking up. "Come on, Minerva's waiting." Juri slowly got out of the bed and took little steps to the door. Ruka chuckled seeing her exceed take all the time in the world. She picked her up and carried her in her arms. She walked out the door and saw Minerva leaning against the wall. "Took you long enough." "Sorry, Juri was taking all the time in the world," as she pointed towards the now sleeping exceed in her arms. Minerva patted Juri's head and started waking towards the kitchen where everyone was already busy eating. 

They were greeted by guild mates as they walked towards their table. The team was already seated and eating as they approached. "Good morning," Minerva greeted. A chorus of "good mornings" were heard as she sat down next to Rogue. Ruka sat down to Minerva, "Good morning Rogue. Good morning Sting," Ruka addressed. Rogue stoped chewing and looked up to Ruka, who was giving him a smile, and surprisingly to Sting as well. "Morning," Sting replied smiling at her. Rogue looked between Sting and Ruka suspiciously. He swallowed his food, and cleared his throat. "Did you two make up?" "Yes." "Kinda, I guess." They both replied simultaneously. Sting cleared his throat, "We made up, but we're not dating again......," he clarified. 

Minerva scoffed, and received a playful glare from Ruka. "Something wrong Minerva?" "Well, it's just odd. You two always make up and continue dating. What's wrong this time? Oh wait, is it your brother? Did your dear older brother tell you to stop dating him?" The table went silent, as they watched Ruka drink her orange juice. "No not really. I just need some time to think," she calmly stated. Minerva nodded at her response and continued to eat. Ruka cut into her pancakes but didn't feel like eating anymore, Minerva had ruined her appetite. 

That didn't go unnoticed by Sting. "Are you not gonna eat?" He asked, pointing his fork at her. "You need some actual food in your stomach or are you just gonna have booze in your stomach all day?" "Hey, shut up," as she leaned over to slap his arm. "Hey, that hurts," he complained. He rubbed his arm, playfully glaring at her.  "Maybe it wouldn't have hurt, if you hadn't said anything"  "You went drinking last night?" Rouge asked. "I didn't even drink a lot," she responded rather quickly. "Even more of a reason to eat," he calmly stated. "Gee thanks Rogue," she sarcastically thanked him. The rest of the breakfast, was filled with a comfortable silence. 

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