Chapter 15 & episode 15

Start from the beginning

I didn't like that one bit.

Later on,Rhys realised that reading was a tedious fast,when you had something else on your mind,despite how hard his attempted to hide it.And I was left alone.What were they planning?I hate bring in the dark.Scanning the room for the insolent boys,I called y/n.

"Hey,y/n."I stated,a sigh escaping.

"Hey Ava,are you okay?"she questioned,worried.

"Yeah,yeah.You know how they guys are.Just wanted to let you know that they're active weird,really weird."I informed her.

"Weird,how?Please tell me that they haven't done anything to hurt you,have they?"She warily exclaimed.

"They,I don't know,some of them were asking for you,worried and such."I began.

"That's sweet but why do I feel like there's something else."she asked,giddy but the compliment.

"They just got up and left,though the portal.Like they realised something,something sneaky."I continued.

"Okay,I'll keep my eyes open.Also,Ava,call me straight away if anything happens to you,or them.I don't want you getting hurt."She explained.

"Yeah,have a nice time y/n."I smiled.

"You're a great friend Ava."She giggled and hung up.

Your POV

After the conversation,I instantly informed Calum of the irregularities,though he brushed it out and our night carried on how it had.We had so much fun and it felt like we'd seen each other in person forever;we instantly clicked,as we thought we would.I hoped it would work out,though internet friendships never seemed to equal real friendships,despite how you know the person.Its all about the atmosphere and your small actions that you can never see through the camera or behind text messages.

We:watched four movies(two of mine,two of his),played video games(despite me being a noob at this particular game),made brownies(which resulted in a flour fight),had an epic pillow fight,talked(for what felt like hours)and went to bed-past midnight.Though it was late,I was brimming with excitement,I'd had a great time-just as great as being with Ava.I finally had another friend,one to escape to when things got crazy.

Then,during our time asleep,something happened...

A loud bang rung through the hall and the pitter patter of steps followed.What was it?Lifting myself from the couch,my eyes slit open.Before me,stood the daemos.

Confused at their reasoning to come here,I asked:"What are you doing here?"

Pierce responded,rather loudly:"We came to collect you and to erase your friend's memory."

Panicking,I clasped a hand over his mouth.Checking the room for Calum,I whispered:"You don't need to 'collect me' and I will not let you erase my friend's memory.By the way,where is Asch?"

Leif stepped forward,proclaiming:"How will you stop us?Asch may have refused to come,but we will take his memory and we will take you."

"Please don't,you can take me but don't-"I begged,silently.

"We have deemed you to be too close to this 'Cal-um',as he could jeopardise our mission.Plus,Pierce had just finished taking his memory."Rhys interrupted.

"What?Okay,then again.Don't take me and I'll end up coming back tomorrow morning,okay?I just need to see if he's okay.Yeah?Just do some nice things for Ava,win her over.Yeah?Deal?"I reasoned,disappointed that I didn't make a difference.

Leif began:"No,you will come with us.You are our prisoner and you will do as we say."

"I think we should leave her,Leif."Noi advised.

"Please."I pouted.

As Leif's face softened,Rhys advised:"I don't think so,it would be risky."

"He still remembers the sleepover.I don't want her upset so let's leave her."Pierce explained.

Everyone agreed.Overjoyed at Peirce's help,I ran up to him beaming,my fatigue cured.I,then,hugged him.Stiffening,he hugged back and left with everyone else.How was I supposed to confine in Calum now?Could they even use memory removal magic?I guess they're more powerful than I thought...

After thinking over some things,I went to bed.

Instead of waking up at my alarm,which was set for 11am,I woke up at 10am to a phone call-from Ava.Scrambling for my phone,I tumbled with in and, finally,answered it.

Over the phone,I heard a high-pitched squeak come from the other side of the phone.Ava begged:"Help me.My dad's,they're embarrassing me."

I replied,blandly:"What did they do this time?"

"Relationships.They want me to be in a relationship,probably with one of the daemos.Save me."she explained,her frightened voice wavering.

"What?Really?They can't be doing'the talk' can they?"I wondered.

She screeched:"They know about my Netflix account.They know what we watched.They know my anime!"

"My hero academia?Fruits basket?Ouran high school?Your lie in April?"I gasped,causing her to stiffly mumble a 'yeah'.

"No.What are you going to do?Run?I would come but I look a mess and I have something to deal with. I can come but it would be after 12.You'll have to survive until then."I giggled.

She panicked:"I'll be gone by then y/n!What good would that do?No,please don't leave me."

I smiled:"You can do it Ava!You are a strong girl!"

And I hung up.Having being woken up and had a civilised conversation,I knew that i wouldn't be able to get back to bed.Doing the on,y thing I could,I searched the kitchen for food to make breakfast with.I found:eggs,milk(from the brownies),sweets,tins of food and baking ingredients.Pancakes coming to mind,I grabbed:the eggs,the milk,the caster sugar and the powdered sugar.Also,I got the frying pan and spatulas.He wouldn't mind,right?All the eggs and milk were mine anyways.

Twenty minutes,after I got ready,Calum emerged from his bedroom.Getting up from the couch,I made his pancake and handed it to him-I knew he loved pancakes.Grinning his sweet and innocent smile(which I adored),as if he could do nothing wrong,he snatched the pile of pancakes and began wolfing them down.He seemed fine.That was good.The main question is:Does he know about the daemos?

Due to my curiosity,I asked:"Do you remember anything like weird last night?"

"I didn't do anything,did I?I didn't get drunk so I would've remembered.Nothing weird comes to mind."He pondered,tapping his chin.

"Nothing,it's just about my roommate?You shouldn't be worried,she just called last night,asking me to come home early.Lets go around half eleven?If that's okay?"I exclaimed.

Scoffing his last pancake and popping it in the dishwasher,he nodded:"Yeah."

Irregular Love // My Inner Demons // Reader x DeamonsWhere stories live. Discover now