Chapter 8 & epidode 8

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Your POV

Arriving to the pizza place(which I'd never been to before),we(Ava,Noi,me and Pierce)talked outside about how this would work.Despite our efforts,I already knew that something would go wrong:it always does.We just need to stop them for suspecting us.They're smart people,who'd know if something is wrong,yet they're super nice and I don't want them to hate me!I've never really dated before-what do you do?

While standing outside the door,worry looming over us,Ava panicked:"This is terrible.I have no idea how to be on a date.Ive never been on one!"

Also panicking,I ranted:"Me neither,how are we supposed to pull this off?Noi.Pierce.Have you ever been on a date? course you haven't!*sigh*The first boyfriend I have is fake;I suppose no-one would want to date me anyways but I..."

Pierce interrupted:"This is not real so why should you panic?We are only here to not get caught and I'm sure we could just kill them if they found out..."

Blunt much?I exclaimed:"No,you can't kill them.Humans would want to kill you after that.Justice and all..."

He replied:"oh,what's justice?"

Groaning to myself,I explained:"It doesn't matter.Just know if you killed him,they'd think of it as war or something."

Glancing over to Noi,I noticed a light blush dusting his face.Ava,confused at his action,asked:"What?"

Continuing his cute and sweet personality,he explained:"he..he..Thanks for choosing me."

He's so cute!

Misunderstanding his gratitude,Ava spoke:"huh?"

Continuing,he answered:"It's just I didn't think I'd be trusted with something this important."

Downplaying his happiness for being trusted,Ava attempted to say:"I didn't really choose you.You were just kind of there."

Looking from my fake boyfriend to her's,I complemented Noi,stating:"Noi,your so sweet and cute!Im sure you could do plenty of things;don't offend yourself.I'd trust you.Also,I think you'd be a better boyfriend than Pierce;I'd probably date you if you weren't from another world and all."

Looking to Pierce's bland,emotionless face,I realised I could've offended him so I smiled:"Pierce,I think your great too.You could probably do anything you wanted.Your super cool and um handsome....",blushing toward the end.

Letting out a large,fame cough,I turned to Ava.She commanded us all,as she:was the most confident,knew her parents the best,they would actually listen to her and she'd been to this pizzeria before.In effort to improve our facade,she notified:"Just do what i say.First,my pop,Evan, is very into movies and fiction and stuff.And my dad,Andrew,is very much a politics kinda guy.Just very boring and you can't understand what he's talking about so just nod and stuff."

A beaming smile still caressing his cheeks(probably from what I said),Noi looked off into the distance,clearly confused.Knowing this,Ava simplified what she said to just:"J-just hold my hand..."

I blushed a deep crimson.Did I really have to hold Pierce's hand?They were doing it and I didn't want to get caught.Reluctantly,I held out my left hand,looking away to hide my blush.Easily grasping my hand,Pierce blankly asked:"Why is your face red ,y/n?"

I glanced to Ava and Noi,whose faces were profusely blushing too.Why couldn't I have someone,who understood emotions like Noi.I hesitantly replied:"It's because we're holding hands and I u-um am really really nervous.I'm holding your hand and your a guy and I haven't done this before."I looked to the floor,mumbling the last part ,in utter embarrassment.

Irregular Love // My Inner Demons // Reader x DeamonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ